srcery-colors / srcery-vim

Srcery is a dark color scheme with clearly defined contrasting colors and a slightly earthy tone.
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transparent background, lightline, and certain terminals #43

Closed roosta closed 5 years ago

roosta commented 5 years ago

Found an issue where if transparent background is enabled, and running termite w/o tmux, the lightline normal colors are not applied until the config is re-sourced.


It works correctly in urxvt, and I've tried gnome terminal and there the issue is present. The weird thing is that it only happens sometimes, not every time vim is launched.

It works as expected in tmux, and seeing as the only usecase for transparent background involves tmux this isn't a huge issue but annoying none the less.

I do not know how this could be fixed though, but I'll leave this issue here if anyone else experience the same issue.

roosta commented 5 years ago

Also it is this snippet right here that cause the issue:

if g:srcery_transparent_background == 1 && !has('gui_running')
  call s:HL('Normal', s:bright_white, s:none)
  call s:HL('Normal', s:bright_white, s:black)

If I remove the conditional and simply set it to s:black it works as expected.

roosta commented 5 years ago

Ok, starting to suspect this is my fault somehow, not related to srcery or lightline. I am not able to reproduce this issue using a barebones config:

set nocompatible
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/plugged/lightline.vim
set rtp+=~/src/srcery-vim
filetype plugin indent on
syntax enable
let g:srcery_transparent_background=1
colorscheme srcery
set laststatus=2
let g:lightline = {
      \ 'colorscheme': 'srcery',
      \ }
roosta commented 5 years ago

Ok this is getting weirder by the minute. Seems if I remove the plugin YankRing, lightline colors are applied like normal on startup.

roosta commented 5 years ago

I was able to fix this by setting set background=dark at the top of the scheme. Why this works I honestly don't know, but seems like a good bet including this option regardless.

I was also able to get lightline to set colors correctly by removing hi clear from the prelude, but removing that seems unwise. It seems to be related somehow though.

It's bee a frustrating couple of hours of debugging, so I'll take it even though why this happens is still a bit of a mystery.