srcery-colors / srcery-vim

Srcery is a dark color scheme with clearly defined contrasting colors and a slightly earthy tone.
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Function names aren't colored #82

Closed Eternex49 closed 1 year ago

Eternex49 commented 1 year ago

As the title states, function names in C and C++ are left white whilst they should be yellow.

I've checked the installed vimscript file and, indeed, function names are set to be yellow.

Using: Neovim 0.7.2

roosta commented 1 year ago

Hi, doesn't seem vim defines any C function highlight group, I get back nothing when trying synIDattr, are you using some other syntax file that didn't come with vim?

Eternex49 commented 1 year ago

Yet in the example image the function names are infact colored in yellow. No, I'm not using some other synatx file that didn't come with vim, anyway.

roosta commented 1 year ago

That they are...huh. I code a fair bit in c, and I don't remember them being yellow, but I took the screenshots. I checked the same source file, and sure enough, its white now. Honestly not sure why that is. I checked the syntax file included with vim and it doesn't seem to define any groups for functions, you'd have to bake your own, which would be tricky to target in srcery.

roosta commented 1 year ago

It's not entirely certain that I didn't use some other syntax file at the time, I checked my logs but couldn't find anything at a glance, but I've since stopped using it if that was the case.

roosta commented 1 year ago

Actually, I just thought of something, I used to use and it looks like whatever syntax file it includes highlights functions.

I'll update the screenshots. EDIT: polyglot uses this

roosta commented 1 year ago

Closing this, as its not an issue, functions aren't highlighted in vim's included c.vim