sreejagangapuram / Sreeja-Gangapuram

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SQL Database Lesson Plan #50

Open sreejagangapuram opened 1 year ago

sreejagangapuram commented 1 year ago

Topic: Using SQLite libraries to create a database with simulation data

Lesson objectives:

1. Intro: Briefly introduce SQLite and its use cases, emphasizing its lightweight and efficient nature. Explain the importance of databases in managing large datasets. Provide an overview of the lesson plan and the skills that students will learn.

2. Installing SQLite: Walk students through the process of installing SQLite on their computers, or provide pre-installed computers for them to use. Verify that everyone has successfully installed SQLite and is ready to proceed.

3. Creating a Database: Demonstrate how to create a new database using SQLite commands. Explain the basic syntax of SQLite commands and how to use them. Have students create a new database and name it appropriately.

4. Designing Tables: Discuss the importance of designing tables to fit the data being stored. Provide an example schema for the simulation data, and explain the rationale behind the design. Have students create a new table in their database according to the schema.

5. Inserting Data: Demonstrate how to insert data into a table using SQLite commands. Provide sample data for students to insert into their own tables. Encourage students to add their own data or generate more simulation data to insert.

6. Querying Data: Discuss how to query data from a table using SQLite commands. Provide examples of simple queries, such as selecting all rows or filtering by a certain condition. Have students practice querying their own data and interpreting the results.

7. Conclusion: Review the skills learned and the importance of databases in managing large datasets. Provide resources for further learning and practice with SQLite.