9 points
Name: Sreeja Gangapuram
Peer Grader: Grace Wang
Declares class header (must not be
Declares constructor header:
public Textbook(String ,
double , int ___) 1/1
Constructor calls super as the first line
with the appropriate parameters 1/1
declares appropriate private instance
variable and uses appropriate parameter to
initialize it 1/1
Declares at least one required method and
all declared headers are correct:
public boolean
canSubstituteFor(Textbook ___)
public int getEdition()
public String getBookInfo() 1/1
getEdition returns value of instance
variable 1/1
canSubstituteFor determines
whether true or false should be
returned based on comparison of book
titles and editions (algorithm) 1/1
9 points Name: Sreeja Gangapuram Peer Grader: Grace Wang
Constructs information string 1/1