sreejagangapuram / sreejagangg

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Team Seed: Cross Period Team Plan #10

Open sreejagangapuram opened 4 months ago

sreejagangapuram commented 4 months ago


Sub Team Breakdown

  1. Kaiden, Derrick, Nikhil
  2. Vinay, Raunak, Sreeja
  3. Vardaan, Rohin, Akshat, Vishnu
  4. Haseeb, Tirth, Shreyas

Week 1: Planning and Ideation

All our subteams meet (on a call) to discuss the overall project goals and how to integrate the farming idea and NBA idea effectively.

Week 2: Integration Planning

All subteams reconnect on a group call to share about progress on each of the four assignments. Next, each team will start working on our new tasks.

Week 3: Prototyping and Development

Week 4: Testing and Refinement

All of our subteams will test our features and get feedback (from other team members, classmates and teacher).

Week 5: Integration and User Testing

sreejagangapuram commented 4 months ago



Fantasy Farming is going to be a project that is going to merge our existing Trimester 2 Projects (fantasy basketball & farming simulation) and offer users with a cool, interactive game experience.

Key Features: