srehanuddin / Cordova-Plugin-Bluetooth-Printer

A cordova plugin for bluetooth printer for android platform
103 stars 115 forks source link

you have sample code? #4

Open vissarud opened 7 years ago

vissarud commented 7 years ago

I can't use code , you have sample code. Thank you max

wonk4rol commented 7 years ago

console.log('Printer nih!'); $scope.test = "\n Al Kifah \n Ameera \n My Lovely \n \n \n \n"; BTPrinter.connect(function(data){ console.log("Yey, Connected..."); console.log(data); BTPrinter.printText(function(data){ console.log("Success"); console.log(data) BTPrinter.disconnect(function(data){ console.log("Success disconnected"); console.log(data) },function(err){ console.log("Error"); console.log(err) }, "BlueTooth Printer"); },function(err){ console.log("Error Print!"); console.log(err) }, $scope.test); },function(err){ console.log("Error Connecting!!"); console.log(err); }, "BlueTooth Printer");

seyishemba commented 4 years ago

I hope you've told Al Kifah Ameera you like her already 😉 😛