sreichholf / dreamDroid

DreamDroid is an open-source enigma2 client for android based devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
106 stars 43 forks source link

F-Droid can't build #155

Closed licaon-kter closed 1 year ago

licaon-kter commented 1 year ago
> Task :app:lintVitalFdroidRelease
/home/vagrant/build/net.reichholf.dreamdroid/app/res/values-television/themes.xml:5: Error: Style Resource definition cycle: Theme.DreamDroid.Dialog => Theme.Dreamdroid.FullscreenDialog => Theme.DreamDroid.Dialog [ResourceCycle]
    <style name="Theme.DreamDroid.Dialog" parent="Theme.Dreamdroid.FullscreenDialog" />
    /home/vagrant/build/net.reichholf.dreamdroid/app/res/values-television/themes.xml:11: Reference from @style/Theme.Dreamdroid.FullscreenDialog to style/Theme.DreamDroid.Dialog here

   Explanation for issues of type "ResourceCycle":
   There should be no cycles in resource definitions as this can lead to
   runtime exceptions.

/home/vagrant/build/net.reichholf.dreamdroid/app/res/layout-television/video_player_overlay.xml:80: Error: @id/picon is not a sibling in the same RelativeLayout [NotSibling]

   Explanation for issues of type "NotSibling":
   Layout constraints in a given ConstraintLayout or RelativeLayout should
   reference other views within the same relative layout (but not itself!)

2 errors, 0 warnings


sreichholf commented 1 year ago

Thx for the info!

It should already be fixed in 448... I don't really get why i have ever been able to build this...

cweiske commented 1 year ago

Yes, 448 could be built:

This can be closed.