srhyne / jQuery-Parse

An AJAX wrapper for the REST API
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Signup and Login functionality added #3

Closed emlama closed 12 years ago

emlama commented 12 years ago

Hey there, I saw that login and sign up functionality was sort of on the todo list for this plugin so I took a try. The plugin is smart and when it sees the path 'users' or 'login' it leaves them as the base otherwise it adds in the 'classes' prefix.

Hope this helps :)

tikhon commented 12 years ago


srhyne commented 12 years ago

Hi Matthew,

Thank you for the fork. However, I took a step back and really changed the $.ajax request architecture a bit. Now, all non "classes/" resources work out of the box and GET requests always get their data form url encoded.

ONE BIG CHANGE. Due to the changes I made $.parse.get queries must be done like this...

 $.parse.get('tasks', {
    where : {...}

But it's actually a lot better this way because now you can pass limit, skip, order, etc to get.

tikhon commented 12 years ago

nice, makes sense

emlama commented 12 years ago

Yeah that makes a lot more sense. I didn't even know about the Parse 'where' requests until I got to that part in the plugin :)