srinathgs / mysqlstore

Gorilla's Session Store Implementation for MySQL
MIT License
44 stars 28 forks source link

noob question #17

Closed happilymarrieddad closed 6 years ago

happilymarrieddad commented 6 years ago

Hey guys,

How do I access the store in routes after the middleware. Here is my session middleware func that gets called before any route.

func Init() *mysqlstore.MySQLStore {
    DB_HOST = os.Getenv("DB_HOST")
    DB_PORT = os.Getenv("DB_PORT")
    DB_DATABASE = os.Getenv("DB_DATABASE")
    DB_USER = os.Getenv("DB_USER")
    DB_PASSWORD = os.Getenv("DB_PASSWORD")

    maxAge := 3600
    tableName := "go_sessions"

    connectStr := DB_USER + ":" + DB_PASSWORD + "@tcp(" + DB_HOST + ":" + DB_PORT + ")/" + DB_DATABASE + "?parseTime=true&loc=Local"
    store, err := mysqlstore.NewMySQLStore(connectStr, tableName, "/", maxAge, []byte(os.Getenv("SECRET")))
    if err != nil {

    return store

func Middleware(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

        session, err := store.Get(r, "session")
        if err != nil {
            // TODO: Handle this gracefully...

        userId := session.Values["userId"]

        h.ServeHTTP(w, r)

Then on a route after the middleware how do I access the session?

package Router

import (

var routes = Routes{
    Route{"SessionStore", "POST", "/session/store", Session.Store},
package Session


// TODO: Create some route that does something with session to test it 

func Store(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    // TODO: Do something with session.Get("TEST")

happilymarrieddad commented 6 years ago

I solve this.. just doing the same thing I did with the DB package and made a pointer. Thanks!