Closed utterances-bot closed 6 months ago
Week 32 Summary
Monday: I had a general workday focused on various tasks. Additionally, I dedicated time to studying for the AP Exams, reviewing key concepts and practicing questions.
Tuesday: I worked on and submitted the CPT on the College Board website, ensuring it was completed before the 8:30 pm deadline.
Wednesday: It was a workday where I tackled numerous College Board multiple-choice questions. I also continued studying for the AP Exam, reinforcing my knowledge and skills.
Thursday: I completed deployment-related multiple-choice questions and posted them as required. The rest of the day was spent studying for the AP Exam, focusing on practice and review.
Friday: This was another workday dedicated to remaining tasks. I also continued my preparations for the AP Exam, ensuring I was well-prepared for the upcoming test.
Week 32 Summary | CompSci Blog 2
These are the summary for week 32 with uses the utterence bot