srn / react-webpack-boilerplate

Simple production ready boilerplate for React, Webpack (using Babel 6, SASS and React hot reloading), tests (using Jest) and coverage.
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Errors when running npm start #21

Open chinds185a opened 8 years ago

chinds185a commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have run through the npm install which succeeded then when I ran npm start i was presented with the error see in the attached image. The server did start but the browser console also complains that it cannot find ./client/main.jsx

I am running node 6.5 and npm 3.10.3

screen shot 2016-09-10 at 12 25 52

Chrome console error:

screen shot 2016-09-10 at 12 29 32

jbultmann commented 8 years ago


i encountered the same problem. I figured that the precompiling was not able to recognize the JSX Syntax. To fix this i explicitly defined all the babel plugins specified in the package.json inside the webpack loader.

In webpack.config.development.js change

config.module.loaders = config.module.loaders.concat([
  {test: /\.jsx?$/, loaders: [ 'react-hot', 'babel'], exclude: /node_modules/}


config.module.loaders = config.module.loaders.concat([
      test: /\.jsx?$/,
      loaders: [ 'react-hot', 'babel?presets[]=es2015&presets[]=react&presets[]=stage-0'],
      exclude: /node_modules/

same in webpack.config.production.js just without the hotloading.

config.module.loaders = config.module.loaders.concat([
  {test: /\.jsx?$/, loaders: [ 'babel'], exclude: /node_modules/}


config.module.loaders = config.module.loaders.concat([
      test: /\.jsx?$/,
      loaders: [ 'babel?presets[]=es2015&presets[]=react&presets[]=stage-0'],
      exclude: /node_modules/

I am not sure if babel will use a .babelrc file with webpack as I never tested it. If so this could also be resolved with a single .babelrc

   "plugins": ["es-2015", "react", "stage-0"]

EDIT: Just tested the .babelrc Version. It Works and is IMO the cleaner method

elliotrock commented 7 years ago

@jbultmann What was the setup for the .babelrc version? Thanks

elliotrock commented 7 years ago

Seems too many errors to make this a usable boiler-plate next!