sroberts / malwarehouse

A warehouse for your malware
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Found a bug when non existant file is submitted #7

Closed Xen0ph0n closed 11 years ago

Xen0ph0n commented 11 years ago

Hey scott, I'm throwing VT/Exiftool/Yara & SSdeep into this guy and gonna try to make search cover all of that stuff...probably not going to be useful to anyone but me in the end, but I found the following with the base .py when I tired to submit a non existent file it would puke because it was trying to call parser which didn't exist yet.

So I changed it to exit this way instead of try to call parser.. seems to work.

except IOError as e:
    print "You specified an invalid malware target path."
    return False
sroberts commented 11 years ago


No I know about this, I can definitely fix it, but honestly most of my work is focused on the next gen branch which will fix most of these problems. Sadly it's not working yet, but I'll work on it tonight some. Thanks for the info.