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Have the first post-SR2019 Kit Collation event #284

Closed PeterJCLaw closed 5 years ago

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago

We need to clean & tidy the kits which were issued for SR2019, plus test them so we know which need fixing before the next competition.

As we've not got all the kits back yet this event will be for the kits which we have available, though hopefully that's most of them. This will also put us in a better position to know what kit remains unaccounted for so that we can chase schools. This is the first child event within #283.

This is documented as a Kit Collation Event. @PeterJCLaw is organising this event and has taken on the Kit Coordination related roles.

The primary objective of this event is to Checkin, Visually inspect and Clean the kits we currently have. If we can also Test the parts, that would be ideal.

Sub Tasks:

Required equipment (inspection & cleaning):

Required equipment (testing, from, excluding that which we'll have on hand from kits):

Rough (work-in-progress) schedule for the day:

This event may also provide opportunities to do the following tasks, however they are secondary to the task of kit tidying and cleaning and will happen only if we have a surplus of time or people.

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago

On the required equipment: most of it is in the container. The scanners are the main thing we'll need to look out for. I'm not too worried if we don't bring the kit to test the parts as I suspect we may not get that far.

@prophile would you be able to lend us some washing up bowls?

Ideas on where to get isopropyl alcohol or label residue remover would be most welcome (Amazon has some IPA, but delivery times are likely an issue at this point). I can manage to get the rest of the cleaning supplies from Tesco easily enough.

@trickeydan do you think it would be OK for us to borrow from the cupboard/SRO:

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago (2 pack) or (single) might do for label residue removal?

trickeydan commented 5 years ago

Label printer is fine as always.

You can borrow the Tudor motors if you want, but I'd recommend the Motor test rig instead. Also, the Tudor currently requires motor repair as two of the three motors are badly connected

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago

Oh, I'd forgotten about the test rig. That's definitely a better idea, thanks.

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago

We're going to get 2 × and not worry about label residue remover.

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago

This happened.

We managed to check-in all the parts from the kits we had available, plus many of the battery-related parts. There were some boxes of other spare parts which we'd hoped to review, but didn't get around to.

In doing so we counted:

We also managed to visually inspect the majority of parts. Notably we didn't get this done for the battery-related parts. @andybusse @sedders123 did the power boards get visually checked? I had thought that we'd run out of time for that, yet the inventory indicates that they were checked.

We were able to clean the motor boards, odroids, ruggeduinos, servo boards and webcams.

As expected we didn't get around to testing any of the parts.

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago

Things we should improve for the future:

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago

Inventory commands I found useful:

sr inv-query 'path:kit-collation-location-2019 !type:*rub*' --codes | xargs sr inv-mv 
sr inv-query 'path:kit-collation-location-2019 !type:*rub*' --codes | xargs sr inv-set-attr physical_condition unknown 
sr inv-query 'path:kit-collation-location-2019 !type:*rub*' --codes | xargs sr inv-set-attr condition unknown 

Plus other variations on that theme.

xargs -l sr inv-mv was also useful as always.

RealOrangeOne commented 5 years ago

As we've now had this event, can we close this issue, and open another to track a potential future day?

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago

I'm holing this open pending a response from @andybusse and @sedders123 about the state of the power boards.

sedders123 commented 5 years ago

I think they were checked as they were moved to the checked area of the room. Having said that I don't remember checking them myself.

PeterJCLaw commented 5 years ago

Hrm, in which case we probably really do have some which have gone missing.