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Organise machine to run score entry #736

Closed RealOrangeOne closed 2 years ago

RealOrangeOne commented 2 years ago

This ticket relates to providing the actual machine that will be used by the score entry volunteers. This needs to be a machine capable of running the score-entry software locally, so probably running a linux, and will need access to the competition network. Included in this is provision for a screen, keyboard & mouse. If the machine is a laptop then that simplifies this greatly, though an external mouse should still be provided.



RealOrangeOne commented 2 years ago

@sedders123 I know in the past we've used a laptop of yours ("wasp"). Is that machine still available?

PeterJCLaw commented 2 years ago

@sedders123 any chance that your wasp machine is around still and could be used for this? No worries if not, though it would be great to know sooner than later so we can sort an alternative.

sedders123 commented 2 years ago

Yeah I can bring along that laptop. Will dig it out and get it prepped with the latest version of Ubuntu

PeterJCLaw commented 2 years ago

Awesome, thanks @sedders123. I've assigned this to you; will you be able to also setup the scorer UI on the machine? (there's a script in the repo which does this; instructions in the README)

sedders123 commented 2 years ago

👍 Will install scorer UI and any other srcomp-y bits needed

WillB97 commented 2 years ago

This is being tracked in

PeterJCLaw commented 2 years ago

Bear in mind that there's more to this task than just getting the machine to the venue -- there's software setup which needs to happen. That was with @sedders123, so at least until he confirms that that's done I think this should remain open.

sedders123 commented 2 years ago

+1 to leaving open. I find it handy to skim tasks assigned to me that I still need to action. Will close this once I have setup the machine (install latest Ubuntu + scorer UI)

sedders123 commented 2 years ago

Have installed the latest Ubuntu and ran the following commands

# Updates
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install python3.8-venv

# Install useful tools
pip3 install
pip3 install sr.comp.cli

# Install Scorer
git clone
cd srcomp-scorer/

# Configure Compstate
git clone compstate

# Test Scorer

# Setup SSH server
cd .ssh/
curl -O
mv sedders123.keys authorized_keys
sudo apt install openssh-server
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo apt install net-tools

Think this is now all set up