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Copy of the Srophe application for British Library MSS
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Advanced Search ( #117

Closed davidamichelson closed 1 year ago

davidamichelson commented 1 year ago

Please add the following functions and boxes to advanced search. (Note, currently the search does not return anything).

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

@davidamichelson here's a bit more context on authors in additions and finalRubrics that have English-language content

I also wonder if, for the URI search for works or authors we could do something similar to TSG's advanced search where you can narrow results by including a related person or work URI? The trick would be scoping this, I suppose, so the URI appears in the same msItem or additions context as the search string(s)? This might need further discussion

wsalesky commented 1 year ago

@davidamichelson @wlpotter For the Locus search, do you want a box for to and a box for from? So you can search a range?

wsalesky commented 1 year ago

@wsalesky Note to self, it may be easier to search by title/author fields that are constructed at index time.

davidamichelson commented 1 year ago

@davidamichelson @wlpotter For the Locus search, do you want a box for to and a box for from? So you can search a range?

Sure! Let's have three boxes From, To, and Exact Folio

Note, for these, please only run the search for the numeric value of the search term (we will ignore "a" "b" "r" "v" in 21b or 34v)

davidamichelson commented 1 year ago

On second thought, don't create a locus search for now!

wsalesky commented 1 year ago

@davidamichelson @wlpotter We forgot to discuss: Date: Let's discuss if perhaps the results could have a slider instead of a box for this. Script: Let's discuss if perhaps the results can be faceted by this instead of a box. Material: Let's discuss if perhaps the results can be faceted by this instead of a box.

If you give me the xpath I can go ahead and make facets.

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

Here are those xpaths:

Let me know if you need anything further here

davidamichelson commented 1 year ago

@wsalesky please proceed with Date, Script, and Material as facets and let's discuss if we also add them to search after that.

wsalesky commented 1 year ago

@davidamichelson @wlpotter Can I have some test cases to use for the 'limit by' part of the search? at least one test case per limit would be great!

wsalesky commented 1 year ago

@davidamichelson @wlpotter I have added everything but the 'Limit by' function. Please test and send any bugs. Thanks!

wsalesky commented 1 year ago

@davidamichelson @wlpotter for the 'Search in ' function, do you really want to limit all of the above options by these paths? Or just the keyword? For example, just search persons and places in /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/sourceDesc/msDesc/msPart/history ?

davidamichelson commented 1 year ago

@davidamichelson @wlpotter Can I have some test cases to use for the 'limit by' part of the search? at least one test case per limit would be great!

We have split this off as its own issue and area waiting on this. No action needed.