srophe / britishLibrary

Copy of the Srophe application for British Library MSS
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Create browse 'abstract' for manuscript records #169

Closed wlpotter closed 9 months ago

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

Using as example:

Final version: London, BL, Add. 12178 | Wright CLXI | A.D. 899 / A. Gr. 1210 URI: East Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 312 ff. | Origin: The convent of Mār Gabriel (also called the convent of the Confessors) near Harrān Contents Summary: The Book of the Collections of the Vowel-points and Readings, which are in the Holy Scriptures; A selection of passages from the Scriptures, to illustrate the use of the various signs of punctuation and accentuation, separately and in combination.; On various letters of the alphabet and their combinations; A brief explanation of certain critical marks attached to words in the biblical text; Traditions of the Masters of the Schools.


davidamichelson commented 1 year ago

Final version: London, BL, Add. 12178 | Wright CLXI | A.D. 899 / A. Gr. 1210 URI: East Syriac script | Parchment Codex | 312 ff. | Origin: The convent of Mār Gabriel (also called the convent of the Confessors) near Harrān Contents Summary: The Book of the Collections of the Vowel-points and Readings, which are in the Holy Scriptures; A selection of passages from the Scriptures, to illustrate the use of the various signs of punctuation and accentuation, separately and in combination.; On various letters of the alphabet and their combinations; A brief explanation of certain critical marks attached to words in the biblical text; Traditions of the Masters of the Schools.

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

@davidamichelson I added xpaths to the above comment, but there are a few issues we should discuss before it's ready I think

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

One note here on composite mss. We'll probably want to include the list of parts instead/in addition to the contents summary? (will be sufficient to use the contents summary for these cases)

wlpotter commented 12 months ago

@wsalesky this should be ready for implementing. These will appear for each manuscript on the browse and search results page (currently we have only the record title and URI). Let me know if I can clarify any of the above notes

wsalesky commented 11 months ago


wlpotter commented 11 months ago

This looks good (except for the data updates I need to make which we discussed on Tuesday). I did notice one thing that's off.

The values for the material seem to be showing the attribute value rather than the label. So, for example, the first result ( gives "chart" rather than "Paper". The xpath is right, but the value should be converted using the table listed here, in item 1:

"perg" --> "Parchment" "chart" --> "Paper" "mixed --> "Mixed Material

wsalesky commented 11 months ago


davidamichelson commented 10 months ago

@wsalesky some items are missing

Example based on

Currently displaying:

CLXI | A.D. 899 / A. Gr. 1210

update to:

 London, BL, Add. 12178 | Wright CLXI | A.D. 899 / A. Gr. 1210

Notes: "London, BL, Add. 12178" = /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/sourceDesc/msDesc/msIdentifier/altIdentifer/idno[@type="BL-Shelfmark-display"] is a data issue for adding this display shelf mark. For testing purposes I've added it manually to

"Wright CLXI" = Wright + /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/sourceDesc/msDesc/msIdentifier/altIdentifier/idno[@type="Wright-BL-Roman"] Note: Please hard code in "Wright"

davidamichelson commented 10 months ago

Lastly, could you please find a way visually to help distinguish between entries? Perhaps putting the first line in bold: London, BL, Add. 12178 | Wright CLXI | A.D. 899 / A. Gr. 1210

And perhaps also a light grey line between each entry?

wsalesky commented 10 months ago

@davidamichelson Those paths are already in the display, can you give me record #s for the ones that are not correctly outputting?

wsalesky commented 10 months ago

@davidamichelson @wlpotter Here is the one I was looking for during the meeting.

wlpotter commented 10 months ago

An example from is (the third hit on that page). It does have the altIdentifier for the "BL-Shelfmark-display" idno that isn't displaying

Note: the first two hits look to be multi-part/composite mss, so will likely need a separate issue.

wlpotter commented 9 months ago

This looks great, thanks!