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Update to TEI langUsage #132

Closed davidamichelson closed 1 year ago

davidamichelson commented 1 year ago

Please update template to allow two drop down boxes for langUsage/language on form and in the template.

Please use the "ana" attribute and point to a taxonomy.

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

Here's what this will look like:

In the //profileDesc/langUsage we'd have:

  <language ana="#caesarea-language-of-testimonia" ident="syr">Syriac</language>
  <language ana="#caesarea-language-of-original" ident="grc">Ancient Greek</language>

These would point to a //classDecl/taxonomy[@xml:id="CM-Language-Usage"]:

<taxonomy xml:id="CM-Language-Usage">
  <desc>The <title> Language Usage</title> taxonomy describes how language codes applied to individual testimonia records should be interpreted. These are used in the <att>ana</att> attributes in the elements found in the <gi>langUsage</gi>.</desc>
<category xml:id="caesarea-language-of-original">
  <catDesc>The original language of a testimonium's composition, which may differ in language from the expression of the testimonium recorded here. For example, Severus of Antioch's Letters were originally composed in Greek but survive only in an ancient Syriac translation. The testimonium representing the Syriac version of Severus's Letters would use this category to record the original language, Greek</catDesc>
<category xml:id="caesarea-language-of-testimonia">
  <catDesc>The language used in the particular expression of the testimonium recorded here, which may differ from the original language of composition. For example, Severus of Antioch's Letters were originally composed in Greek but survive only in an ancient Syriac translation. The testimonium representing the Syriac version of Severus's Letters would use this category to record the language, Syriac</catDesc>

@davidamichelson here's a first stab at an implementation for this. Feel free to edit this comment or add a revised version below.

Note to self on what would need to be changed:

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

This is approved to implement. Using "language-of-testimonia" and "language-of-original". Need to revise the example above (and review the catDesc text nodes).

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

Note we could also just for now implement in to test it out before identifying others

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

One question to answer here is how to handle records where they are the same. I don't like the idea of leaving off the 'original' language and assuming it's the same if it doesn't exist. (Maybe we can leave it blank in the data input, but have the script copy the values over).

On the frontend, though, we might want to hide it unless they are different? It might be confusing to read

Language of Testimonia: Greek
  Language of Original: Greek
wlpotter commented 1 year ago

FYI @davidamichelson I've only implemented this so far in record 405. It'll have to wait until after the conference for me to implement across all records. We'll likely want to do some spreadsheet-based reviews of this kind of data anyway, so we can maybe work on it then.

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

The taxonomy language is approved and ready to implement in all records.

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

This should be fixed everywhere and ready to go for new data. In new data, if the language of origin is not set by the user, it will be assumed to be the same as the language of testimonia.