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Reorder creator-editor elements #175

Closed wlpotter closed 1 year ago

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

The editor[@role="creator"] elements should be reordered so that Joe is listed last. Cf. #154 .

A simple way to do this, I think, is to remove the //titleStmt/editor[@role="creator"][@ref=""] and then insert the node <editor role="creator" ref="">Joseph L. Rife</editor> into //titleStmt after //titleStmt/editor

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

To do here:

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

For updating the processor for new data, should we keep JLR as the last creator editor, regardless of if there are other editors that would precede him in order? In other words, should he be listed as a creator/entry contributor on every testimonia record, just not as the first name?

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

We will remove the automatic inclusion of JLR as a creator-editor. It will instead be added only if he is included in one of the relevant respStmts (cf. #154 ). And in such cases we will still need the processor to move that name to the bottom

This will require updating the data template to remove the hard-coded creator element for JLR. And will require updating the processor to put his name at the end when it appears along with others.

wlpotter commented 1 year ago

Removed the hard-coding from the data template. Ensuring the re-ordering of creator editors will occur with #154