srophe / srophe-eXist-app

DEPRECATED eXist code for The Syriac Reference Portal
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Revisions to front and back of e-GEDSH #1041

Closed dlschwartz closed 7 years ago

dlschwartz commented 7 years ago

@wsalesky I have made major revisions to the front and back of e-GEDSH. In short, I have taken each of the items in the Table of Contents of the print edition and treated them like an entry. This should allow linking to these entities from elsewhere and allow for them each to appear on a separate page.

For the major (left-adjusted) sections, I have wrapped them in a div type="section" and added an ab element with idno, milestone, and note (type="front" for front matter and "back" for backmatter).

For the indented subsections I have put each inside of a div type="subsection" and added an ab element as above.

For even lower subsections I have put each inside of a div type="subSubsection" but I have not included an ab element and have not assigned idnos, etc. Users will find and view these through the div type="subsection" of which they are a part.

There are a variety of uses I could imagine using to put this encoding to work for visualizing the text. I'll start with my ideal, even though I'm not sure it's feasible. Can we include the "Front Matter" and "Back Matter" as options before and after the alphabet on the browse page such that when a user clicked on either they saw a list with links to the relevant page. For "Front Matter" this would include everything with a Roman numeral on the Table of Contents. For "Back Matter" it would include everything from pp. 451-535 in the Table of Contents. It would also be nice to have similar features for "Front Matter" and "Back Matter" at the end of the left-hand alphabetical listing that the user sees when viewing an article.

Please let me know if you have any questions of if I need to adjust any of the encoding in order to make possible what I would like. And, of course, if the hope of adding front and back as bookends to an alphabetical list is too difficult/impossible, please don't hesitate to say. Thank you Winona!

dlschwartz commented 7 years ago

@wsalesky Sorry, I thought I was in the GEDSH app issues. I'll cut and paste this issue there and then close this here. Thanks.