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bibl cites manuscript prose description #1042

Closed nathangibson closed 7 years ago

nathangibson commented 7 years ago

In Print Catalogue 2 (#bib9515-14) it says "(Print Catalogue based on Print Catalogues 2.)" In other words it cites itself.

The underlying relationship is <relation active="#bib9515-11" ref="lawd:hasCitation" passive="#bib9515-14"/> (

The RDF verb we are using requires that the cited item be the subject and the item containing the citation be the object -- so the active and passive here are reverse of our normal relationships.

Can we change the prose so that it says "Print Catalogue cites Manuscript 3" ? The abstract version of this would be: [Passive item type] cites [Active item type] [Active item number]. The logic here could be that if @passive refers to the containing bibl, then the other item mentioned will be found in @active .

wsalesky commented 7 years ago

@nathangibson How would you like to handle a relationship that cites a full uri? See the 1st Print Catalogue on the above record. TEI looks like this:

<relation active="" ref="lawd:hasCitation" passive="#bib9515-6"/>

Can I just print out the URL or do you want a full citation from that URL?

nathangibson commented 7 years ago

Sorry I was slow getting back to you on this. It is possible to grab the reference to the manuscript list item whose bibl pointer matches this?

Thus "(Print Catalogue cites" would instead be be "(Print Catalogue cites Manuscript 2.)" [Example from]

The xpath for this bibl would be //bibl[@type='syriaca:Manuscript' and ptr/@target='']

wsalesky commented 7 years ago

Looks like there are two that reference it, should they both be listed?

<bibl type="syriaca:Manuscript" xml:id="bib9515-3" source="#bib9515-7">
<title type="shelfmark">
Sinai, St. Catherine Monastery, Syriac 30 (Syriac Sinaiticus)
<ptr target=""/>
<date notBefore="0250" notAfter="0550">4th/5th cent.</date>
<relation active="#bib9515-3" ref="lawd:embodies" passive=""/>
Includes (as palimpsest) Lk 1:1–16, 38–5:28; 6:12–24:52
<bibl type="syriaca:Manuscript" xml:id="bib9515-4" source="#bib9515-6">
<title type="shelfmark">
London, British Library, Add MS 14451 (Codex Curetonianus)
<biblScope unit="folio" from="53a" to="88a">Foll. 53a-88a</biblScope>
<ptr target=""/>
<date notBefore="0425" notAfter="0525">probably latter half of 5th cent.</date>
<relation active="#bib9515-4" ref="lawd:embodies" passive=""/>
Contains Lk 2:48–3:16; 7:33–15:21; 17:24–24:44. From 24:44-end is taken from
Luke (Peshitta Version)
<ptr target=""/>
nathangibson commented 7 years ago

This was a mistake. I’ve just removed one of the references.

wsalesky commented 7 years ago

Okay. I think I have it working correctly now.