srophe / srophe-eXist-app

DEPRECATED eXist code for The Syriac Reference Portal
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Person and place Indexes #1239

Open dlschwartz opened 3 years ago

dlschwartz commented 3 years ago

@wsalesky I find place/3616 in our data but not in the index.

Also, I added a few places to the Gazetteer a few days ago. I'm sorry, but I can't remember how the updates to the indexes work. Does it require a manual update or should it be automatic.


wsalesky commented 3 years ago

@dlschwartz you have to rerun the index. (Also, then it will have to be downloaded and saved to github. Perhaps I need to work on that workflow so it updates the github version automatically.) Remind, me is this on master or just dev? If just dev, we should consider moving it to master, as I think dev is going to be come relatively obsolete.

dlschwartz commented 3 years ago

@wsalesky I've been slightly confused about where things are going with master and dev. I really need to get sorted on this. The indexes themselves currently live on the master branch of srophe-eXist-app. Regarding the sources for the indexes, I believe that dev and master should have the same files even if there might be some difference in what those files actually look like. If this is really the case, it shouldn't matter what source the indexes are drawn from.

wsalesky commented 3 years ago

@dlschwartz I think we are going to be moving away from dev, as the dev server will be going away. Instead we should be making branches off of master for new data or corrections and merging them directly into master. We can discuss this strategy at the next meeting. We will need to do the same for the application code. In the end I think it will function better, and prevent large merge conflicts as the master and feature branches will get merged more frequently.

wsalesky commented 3 years ago

@dlschwartz but back to the original question, I will send you an email on how to regenerate the indexes. Let's leave this open as a reminder that I need to update the script to sync to github.

wlpotter commented 2 years ago

@wsalesky I wanted to follow up on this issue to see what the current status of the indexing process is. I'm not sure if @dlschwartz or @davidamichelson mentioned this to you, but we are wanting to automate and expand the indexing process for Syriaca data (related primarily to

The above discussion seems to be about automatically syncing the server indexes to the GitHub repo. Does the app already automatically recreate the indexes that live on the server (e.g., whenever a webhook is triggered?

wsalesky commented 2 years ago

@wlpotter This is not run automatically at this point, but it is on the wish list. I can rerun it today. I will work on getting it scheduled for the next deployment of the app.

wsalesky commented 2 years ago

@wlpotter I updated the indexes. Will work on getting this automated. It will be on a weekly basis, but can also be run manually by anyone with the admin access.

wsalesky commented 2 years ago

Still need to automate.