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Preferred Citation Formatting for Works Cited Module #714

Open davidamichelson opened 8 years ago

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

Thanks for doing #712, now that I think about it, I think we need to revise the Preferred Citation format in the Works Cited module to fit Chicago style. Is srophe-app/resources/xsl/bibliography.xsl used only by the works cited module? What xsl is used to format the sources as footnotes in person/place/work records?

If it is not already the case then we need to separate them I think along these lines:

Formatting of the citation used in the footnote of a person/place/work record follows Chicago notes style more or less (see and should be kept as is. The preferred citation in the works cited module should follow Chicago bibliography style (see link above).

That means a few changes: Thus

Should read:

Peeters, Paul. "Le martyrologe de Rabban Ṣalība." Analecta Bollandiana vol. 27 (1908): 129-200.

Note the following changes:


should read:

Brock, S. P. "Evagrius of Pontus." In The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage, Sebastian P. Brock et al., eds., 156. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011.

Note the following changes:

I if this is a bit tricky or if we cannot anticipate how our data will work, it may be worth investigating if there are already TEI style sheets for generating Chicago citations from TEI bibls?

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

Here is a monograph record as well for completeness:

Should be:

Brock, Sebastian P. and Susan Ashbrook Harvey. Holy women of the Syrian Orient. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.

(in this example the data has an error in that the P. should have a period after it. I will fix that in the data.

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

Also, not the formatting does need to run a test and in the case of initials like example 2 above: Brock, S. P. "Evagrius of Pontus." It needs to test for a period at the end of the text node and not add another if there is one.

Thus Brock, S. P.. "Evagrius of Pontus." Would be wrong.

Thus I wonder if there are existing TEI sytlesheets we could grab somewhere.

wsalesky commented 8 years ago

Do the footnotes in the records look okay? They share xslt templates, so I will have to be careful about changes so that they do not disrupt each other. :)

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

Alas, that was what I was suspecting. So could we have the person/place/work records call the existing template (but rename it chicagonotes.xsl) and then make a new one for bibl records prefered citations which we call chicagobibliography.xsl?

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

you will need to roll back the change you made for #712 as that is only applicable to bibl records preferred citation.

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

In fact #712 did corrupt the footnote style.

See person/13 note 1 where the cited range repeats: 1 S. P. Brock, "Ephrem," in Sebastian P. Brock et al. (eds.), The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011), 145-147, pp: 145-147.

This should instead read:

S. P. Brock, "Ephrem," in Sebastian P. Brock et al. (eds.), The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011), 145-147.

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

There are a few other tweaks to the footnote style. I will put them in a separate issue ( to keep us from getting confused.

wsalesky commented 8 years ago

Yes, I will take a look at separating them out.

wsalesky commented 8 years ago

@davidamichelson First pass. I will need to spot check some more records, but I have to take a break for the rest of the morning. Post any bugs you find here. Thanks.

wsalesky commented 8 years ago

Note to self: bug in: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/srophe/bibl/776


wsalesky commented 8 years ago

@davidamichelson How does this one look?

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

Notes: Bibliography style should not have parentheses. Footnote style should have commas instead of periods after author name.

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

Sample footnote for bibl/9

David Wilmshurst, The ecclesiastical organisation of the Church of the East, 1318-1913, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, vol. 582; Subsidia, vol. 104 (Leuven: Peeters, 2000), pp: 53, 65, 361, 362.

wsalesky commented 8 years ago

Updated for series. There is an extra space before the citedRange, still trying to find where it is in the xslt.

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

@wsalesky It looks like this issue is done? Shall we close it?

nathangibson commented 8 years ago

Bug in preferred citation for Editor names don't show. Perhaps has to do with more than 3 editors?

, , , and , eds.Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, contenant l'exposé des doctrines de la théologie catholique, leurs preuves et leur histoire,. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1903.

nathangibson commented 6 years ago

Sadly we are still seeing an extra space inside the parentheses in certain citations throughout the site. E.g., has

François Nau, "Les légendes syriaques d’Aaron de Saroug, de Maxime et Domèce, d’Abraham, maître de Barsôma, et de l’empereur Maurice; Les miracles de Saint Ptolémée." Patrologia Orientalis vol. 5 ( 1910), : Paris, 1910, p. 768 [360] - 773 [365],

There are also extraneous commas showing up as you can see after the date and cited ranges above.