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please create a record for St. Appian of Caesarea #106

Open jsaintlauren opened 8 years ago

jsaintlauren commented 8 years ago

wlpotter commented 2 years ago

I don't think this record was created? (It's not showing up in a simple keyword search in SBD). @nathangibson @jsaintlauren do you know if this was resolved?

nathangibson commented 2 years ago

The above link says the martyrology is taken from Assemani II, 189–195. Thus it is "Apphianus", commemorated in, which cites the same text.

Thus we only need to add any suitable names, not create a new record. @jsaintlauren it looks like you're suggesting "St. Appian of Caesarea"?

jsaintlauren commented 2 years ago

Record needs to include martyr element and more robust description.

wlpotter commented 2 years ago

Okay, so this has turned out to be a bit more complicated...

Apphianus ( is commemorated in This is BHO no. 95. Work 911 has Apphianus as a martyr under Maximinus (I believe Maximinus II, according to Assemani's death date of 306 --

According to BHO p. 23 (, this person is the same as Epiphanius commemorated by Eusebius in the Martyrs of Palestine.

This same person is commemorated, according to the BHO entry (no. 94) in We have work 236 commemorating Epiphanius,

Are and the same person?