srophe / syriaca-data

Repository for TEI data, used by srophe-eXist-app.
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literary traditions in BHSE #463

Open jsaintlauren opened 8 years ago

jsaintlauren commented 8 years ago

These works are all the same. How shall we handle this? @nathangibson @davidamichelson

Alēksandrā is commemorated in Alexandria (text) [] .1
Alēksandrā is commemorated in Alexandra (text) [] .1
Alēksandrā is commemorated in Alexandra (text) [] .1
Alēksandrā is commemorated in Alexandra (text) [] .1
nathangibson commented 8 years ago

Are these different recensions of the same work, or simply duplicate records for a single recension? The incipits look a little different ...

davidamichelson commented 8 years ago

Please call them literary traditions rather than recension

nathangibson commented 8 years ago

@jsaintlauren @davidamichelson @dlschwartz I've used this example to model "literary tradition". See what you think of as an example of a literary tradition record. I added a relation "syriaca:part-of-tradition" to each of the child texts (listed above). Of course, we will need @wsalesky to pull in information from the related texts when we figure out the exact format.

A suggestion: Where we have the same bibl items & citedRanges or the same BHO/CPG identifiers for all the records within a tradition, I suggest we have them in the tradition record and pull them into the child records, rather than maintaining them in all child records. (I am assuming we will be automating some parts of the process of creating the literary tradition records in the first place.) We could discuss whether it is advantage to delete them from the child records or not. For example, I kept BHO/CPG numbers and the Butler articles in the literary tradition, since these are the same for all of the texts in this tradition.

wsalesky commented 8 years ago

The relationship above is visualized here: (Just as an FYI of how relationships currently get displayed.)

nathangibson commented 8 years ago

Awesome. Perhaps we can discuss this today if there’s time. Thanks!

nathangibson commented 7 years ago

Cf. #711