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Update citations for GEDSH in all records and point to URIS for GEDSH (perhaps in the bibl record not in the place/person record) #743

Closed davidamichelson closed 4 years ago

davidamichelson commented 6 years ago

point to the URIs from the new eGEDSH

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

@davidamichelson I'm not sure exactly what change we want here.

I have the script that connects Syriaca URIs and e-GEDSH entry URIs. I've only run it on person records, but I can run it on places as well. We can then include the e-GEDSH URI in the tei:idno list.

If I understand this issue right, though, we would want to change the current bibls for the record's GEDSH entry:

<bibl xml:id="bib78-1">
                        <author>A. Harrak</author>
                        <title level="a" xml:lang="en">183. Edessa</title>
                        <title level="m" xml:lang="en">The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage</title>
                        <ptr target=""/>
                        <citedRange unit="pp">138-139</citedRange>

To point at instead the e-GEDSH version? So the new bibl would be:

<bibl xml:id="bib78-1">
                        <author>A. Harrak</author>
                        <title level="a" xml:lang="en">183. Edessa</title>
                        <title level="m" xml:lang="en">The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage</title>
                        <ptr target=""/>
                        <citedRange unit="entry"></citedRange>

Or will the e-GEDSH citation be a new bibl?

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

Note that since we do not have bibl records for individual entries in GEDSH, we will need to use some form of tei:citedRange to point at the entry.

Alternatively we could replace the tei:pter/@target attribute value, currently pointing at the Syriaca Bibl record for GEDSH, with the entry URI

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

Need to work out next steps

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago
davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

Currently, place/388 has this bibl:

<bibl xml:id="bib388-1">
<author>G. A. Kiraz </author>
<title level="a" xml:lang="en">354. Mark, Monastery of St.</title>
<title level="m" xml:lang="en">
The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage
<ptr target=""/>
<citedRange unit="pp">269-270</citedRange>

and we have a record for bibl/363 which is the GEDSH article.

Please make the following updates.

In bibl/363 Currently:

<forename>G. A.</forename>
<surname>Kiraz </surname>
<title level="a" xml:lang="en">Mark, Monastery of St</title>

Change to:

<forename>G. A.</forename>
<surname>Kiraz </surname>
<title level="a" xml:lang="en">Mark, Monastery of St</title>
<ref target=""/>

Next in place/338

find /TEI/text/body/listPlace/place/bibl/title/@level="a" and textnode "354. Mark, Monastery of St."

<bibl xml:id="bib388-1">
                        <author>G. A. Kiraz </author>
                        <title level="a" xml:lang="en">354. Mark, Monastery of St.</title>
                        <title level="m" xml:lang="en">The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage</title>
                        <ptr target=""/>
                        <citedRange unit="p">269-270</citedRange>

Change <ptr target=""/> to <ptr target=""/>

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

A few updates:

One question that we haven't addressed is the relation between these records and the Zotero database. Will we want, eventually, to use these records to create the 'canonical' Zotero book-section entries?

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

Okay, so having done a bit more digging I think the issue is not a question of if all of the GEDSH article bibl record have been created but rather if all the records are present on the production server.

For example, is not on the production server, but there is a record for it:

I can update the XML data so that the bibl module includes the e-GEDSH URI (and the article number if we would like); I will also update the pointers in all records so that the footnotes point to the correct record.

Do we need to make an app issue for the missing records on production? Or is this part of the upgrade that should be resolved soon?

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

I have reverted the above two commits as I made a mistake in the script that matched the URIs. Fixing this now and will run the script again.

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

Note: this does not seem to apply to works. There are no work records with a bibl whose ptr is "" which also has an a-level title.

The tei:bibl/ptr/@target attributes have been updated.

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

@davidamichelson what remains is to add the GEDSH URI to the bibl records. Before I do that, can we discuss whether or not we need/want to add the GEDSH article number as well (e.g. 183 for Edessa)?

This could potentially go in /TEI/text/body/biblStruct/monogr/biblScope[@type="entry"]

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

This has been fixed in all data.