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Revise <seriesStmt> in Gazetteer #774

Open davidamichelson opened 5 years ago

davidamichelson commented 5 years ago

In all cases, add <seriesStmt> between <publicationStmt> and <sourceDesc> Current:

<editor role="general" ref="">Thomas A. Carlson</editor>
<editor role="general" ref="">David A. Michelson</editor>

Proposed: Move all of this to <seriesStmt> Change title level to ```The Syriac Gazetteer

``` on dev Dev records contain Beth Qatraye data in `````` already The above needs to be done since all the Gazetteer stuff is still in the `````` In addition, ```Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer``` should become ```Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer``` @ref attribute on ``````
davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

The notes above are now obsolete since BGQ stands alone.

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

@dlschwartz I think in the end we decided without you (sorry!)that perhaps we would no longer use seriesStmt in this way. Can you let us know what the schema is expecting please? See

Don't make any schema changes yet, let's discuss :)

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

Revision and clarification, keep Syriac Gazetteeer in Series Stmt and we do require it to be present.

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

Will be a revision of:

<title level="s" xml:lang="en">The Syriac Gazetteer</title>
<editor role="general technical" ref=""><persName>David A. Michelson</persName>, <date from="2014">2014-present</date>.</editor>
<editor role="technical" ref=""><persName>Daniel L. Schwartz</persName>, <date from="2019">2019-present</date>.</editor>
<editor role="past general" ref=""><persName>Thomas A. Carlson</persName>, <date from="2014" to="2018">2014-2020</date>.</editor>
<idno type="URI"></idno>
davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

add Dan as technical editor and add editor types to documentation.

dlschwartz commented 4 years ago

@davidamichelson @wlpotter point of clarification on SeriesStmt in places. We plan no sub-series for places. In persons, SBD will take a <title level="s"> while the sub-series Saints will take a <title level="m">. If there is no corresponding <title level="m"> for a sub-series in places, what title level do we assign to the Gazetteer? Does it get a <title level="m"> because it is monograph-like? Or, should all "module-level" entities take <title level="s"> even if there isn't a sub-series?

I'm rather agnostic which leaves me leaning toward the status quo: <title level="s">. I could be persuaded pretty easily the other way though.

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

@dlschwartz I think that the module level should always be the "s" level even if there is no "m" because their could be an "m" later.

FYI, there can also be multiple "s" thanks to your lobbying, right? So "Gateway to the Syriac Saints" would be an "s", right?

dlschwartz commented 4 years ago

@davidamichelson the customization we have at the moment allows us to model this diagram with multiple seriesStmt elements. The middle row will be <title level="s"> and the bottom row will be <title level="m">

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

Cool diagram, though I my mind the hierarchy is A level M level S1 level S2 level which is not quite what you have visually.

Now that I think about it, maybe we would never have an M if we have multiple S?

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

See #797

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago


                <title level="s" xml:lang="en">The Syriac Gazetteer</title>
                <editor role="general technical" ref=""><persName>David A. Michelson</persName>, <date from="2014">2014-present</date>.</editor>
                <editor role="general technical" ref=""><persName>William L. Potter</persName>, <date from="2020">2020-present</date>.</editor>
                <editor role="technical" ref=""><persName>Daniel L. Schwartz</persName>, <date from="2019">2019-present</date>.</editor>
                <editor role="past general" ref=""><persName>Thomas A. Carlson</persName>, <date from="2014" to="2018">2014-2018</date></editor>
                <idno type="URI"></idno>
davidamichelson commented 4 years ago
wlpotter commented 4 years ago

I have updated the data with the revised seriesStmt and have deleted the m-level title and the editor[@role=general] from the titleStmt.

@dlschwartz I noticed that, in addition to the updates needed for the @role attribute in seriesStmt/editor, the schema is not allowing a tei:date as child of tei:editor.

Here is the error (full context: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/seriesStmt/editor/date):

element "date" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "persName"

FWIW, the TEI Guidelines do allow a date as child of editor.

dlschwartz commented 4 years ago

@wlpotter @davidamichelson sorry, but an aspect of this post above got past me. I don't like the way we're proposing to use "past" as an attribute value. It is odd as a stand alone space separated value on @role. "Past" isn't an editorial role and it isn't parallel to any of the other possible values. I can write schematron rules that will only allow it to appear with another value but I find this situation odd.

dlschwartz commented 4 years ago

The above commit allows "technical" to work as expected and adds <date> as an allowed child of <editor>.

I haven't added "past" yet. I also haven't allowed multiple values in @role. If we want dates, shouldn't we technically separate out the roles into different <editor> elements to accommodate different dates for different kinds of editorial roles?

dlschwartz commented 4 years ago

I'm going to suggest we add: "past-associate", "past-general", and "past-technical". Let me know what you think of this and whether or not you want to allow multiple values.

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

@dlschwartz "past-associate", "past-general", and "past-technical" seems like a reasonable solution. Although would we ever have a situation where an editor's role shifts in such a way that the would be, for instance, "past-associate" but also "technical"? I suppose in such a case we would need two editor elements anyway in order to capture the different date ranges of the roles.

I do think we still would allow multiple values so that we could capture, concisely, an editor who fulfills two concurrent roles (as is the case for the Gazetteer).

dlschwartz commented 4 years ago

@wlpotter @davidamichelson thanks, I'll add the hyphenated values. How would we handle someone who is serving as a general editor who later takes up the role of technical editor or vice versa?

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

@dlschwartz good points, so let's use hyphenated values with past, and can require a date when a past- value is used? And make it optional in other cases.

Don't allow multiple values that is fine.

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago


<titlelevel="s" xml:lang="en">The Syriac Gazetteer</title>
<editor role="general" ref="">
          <persName>David A. Michelson</persName>, <date from="2014">2014-present</date>.</editor>
<editor role="general" ref="">
          <persName>William L. Potter</persName>, <date from="2020">2020-present</date>.</editor>
<editor role="past-general" ref="">
          <persName>Thomas A. Carlson</persName>, <date from="2014" to="2018">2014-2018</date>
<editor role="technical" ref="">
          <persName>David A. Michelson</persName>, <date from="2014">2014-present</date>.</editor>
<editor role="technical" ref="">
          <persName>Daniel L. Schwartz</persName>, <date from="2019">2019-present</date>.</editor>
<editor role="technical" ref="">
          <persName>William L. Potter</persName>, <date from="2020">2020-present</date>.</editor>
<idno type="URI"></idno>
davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

Notes for documentation: Only one @role allowed per entry All of @role ="past- must have a date range Order by:

General Past-General Associate Past-Associate Technical Past-Technical

This order is not strict, the app should group by in the About section.

The citation should ignore all "past" role names and only use the current.

The about list should list past and present.

wlpotter commented 4 years ago

Data has been updated; it is currently validating.

dlschwartz commented 4 years ago

@wlpotter thanks. But there is a bug I'm trying to fix. The schematron rule that requires tei:date works in a schematron file but not now that I've embedded it in the ODD. This commit still allow a past editor role to validate without a tei:date element child. I'll fix it in a minute.

dlschwartz commented 4 years ago

@wlpotter alright, it's still not working correctly. Enough being cocky, I'm going to fix this locally and the push it.

dlschwartz commented 4 years ago

@wlpotter @davidamichelson that last commit did the trick. Date is optional unless the editor role contains "past".

Btw, I didn't do anything to require the order of the different types of editor. Please let me know if I should do that.

davidamichelson commented 4 years ago

This needs HTML app issues for Winona

How to format the citations: should only have @role= creator, content-author and @general, associate, and technical, thus exclude contributor, code-author, and all past- editors.

The About box should group by this order: General Editor Past-General Editor Associate Editor Past-Associate Editor Technical Editor Past-Technical Editor

Creator Content Author Code Author Contributor

Put all as full titles with dates

Mention contributor as DC term in documentation