srounet / Pymem

A python library for windows, providing the needed functions to start working on your own with memory editing.
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is_64_bit potentionally incorrect #113

Closed StarrFox closed 7 months ago

StarrFox commented 8 months ago

I believe the is_64_bit function which checks the wow64 status of the process might be incorrect

based on I'm thinking that returning a True here is for 32 bit processes instead of 64 bit processes as the function name suggests

is this the case?

StarrFox commented 8 months ago

this currently causes an issue with the resolve_offsets method which uses it to check the bitness of the process, looking at the iswow64process docs I don't think this is effective enough since for example if the OS is 32 bit then wow64 will be false in those cases also

so perhaps a fixed version of is_64_bit would include the bitness of the OS in it's logic

StarrFox commented 8 months ago

I think this would work

import platform

def is_wow64(handle): 
    Wow64Process = ctypes.c_long() 
    pymem.ressources.kernel32.IsWow64Process(handle, ctypes.byref(Wow64Process)) 
    return bool(Wow64Process.value)

def is_64_bit(handle):
    return platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit" and not is_wow64(handle)