srounet / Pymem

A python library for windows, providing the needed functions to start working on your own with memory editing.
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Help/Suggestions for MapleStory #17

Closed linkin69 closed 4 years ago

linkin69 commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to use Pymem to inject this ASM script into MapleStory

//v153.1 Bypassless Character Movement Hook [ENABLE] alloc(Hook, 1024) globalalloc(HookRet, 4) label(Return) label(ReturnHook) Hook: cmp dword ptr [esp], 01416491 jne Return mov dword ptr [esp], ReturnHook Return: jmp dword ptr [HookRet] ReturnHook: mov [esp+1C], 0 //Up = #-1 or FFFFFFFF, Down = 1, Nothing = 0 mov [esp+20], FFFFFFFF //Left = #-1 or FFFFFFFF, Right = 1, Nothing = 0 jmp 01416930 HookRet: readmem(01B77ED0, 4) 01B77ED0: dd Hook

Just an example of a script. Is it possible?

srounet commented 4 years ago

In it's current form, pymem does not compile asm anymore. In the previous version pymem was able to compile asm (x86) and then inject the codecave into process memory.

(example here:

I would say that if you assemble it somehow, you can then read the assembled bytes and write them into memory.

If I had to do that in the current stage of pymem, I would externally call a process that assemble the asm for me then read it and inject it into process.

srounet commented 4 years ago

closing because it s outdated by now.