srowlison / bbiller
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Feedback provided to me by a colleague #2

Closed gkholman closed 7 years ago

gkholman commented 7 years ago

Below are comments I've received from a colleague as input to revising the public materials, posted provided they are unattributed. My edits remove off-topic discussion in the email.

. . . . . . Ken

As an aside, the "official" white paper
( would benefit from a decent amount of editing to make it look less dodgy. And it's a little odd to reference I also note 4d, ie "Structured documents complying with international standards (OASIS UBL), could be accepted in the
future". ... Using the blockchain to disrupt the supply chain process is being
worked on by a number of people at present.

I'm assuming you have some familiarity with stuff like:

Then there's similar-area-but-different-purpose stuff like, similar to initiatives like (referenced in the above HBR piece).

And stuff like (effectively templates for smart
contracts). (Not to mention the 1001 other ICOs floating about.) ... Not to suggest naivete on your part, as you've been around a lot
longer than I, but while the concept is intriguing (ie UBL on the
blockchain), the implementation (ie bBiller) raises a few concerns.

If I'm reading the whitepaper and correctly it would
appear that majority control will rest in the founder. (Aside: that
two of the three named individuals associated with the product are
having a conversation in the comments due to a lack of clarity is not

There's growing concern over the use of ICOs to raise funds due to the
perception that people are capitalising on "hot" tech to make a few
quick bucks.

I signed up to view the bBiller wiki, and there is nothing there.

srowlison commented 7 years ago
  1. Whitepaper. 4d . The focus is to balance the smart contract innovation and the UBL schema, but also support other interfaces such as OCR, if required. Work has also commenced on the Design tool which generates the XML and the SOL. Several projects are already underway at client expense..

  2. If you check the issue statement on Issue #1, I the Founder only has one vote. Unfortunately there is no perfect means yet to confirm that any member voted on an issue only once. If it was found that a member voted more than once on an issue, then that would cause the DAO a problem. The best we can do is register identities and follow the transactions made. Bad actors are usually found out eventually.

  3. I have updated the Wiki and put the words, "Nothing here yet".

Thanks for your comments. My list of successes eclipses the failures. I also note that Ken values your views and I appreciate your critique and concerns.