Here it's still present: \Enqueue\RdKafka\RdKafkaConsumer::doReceive
It gets lost when returning the date here: \Enqueue\MessengerAdapter\QueueInteropTransport::get
When it comes time for ACKing the message, we run into LogicException:
The message could not be acknowledged because it does not have kafka message set.
here \Enqueue\RdKafka\RdKafkaConsumer::acknowledge
We might need an InteropMessageStamp, which adds the \Interop\Queue\Message object, for later use.
Maybe even better to use \Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\TransportMessageIdStamp and set the offset as the id.
The original Kafka Message gets lost.
Here it's still present:
It gets lost when returning the date here:\Enqueue\MessengerAdapter\QueueInteropTransport::get
When it comes time for ACKing the message, we run into LogicException:
We might need an
, which adds the\Interop\Queue\Message
object, for later use.Maybe even better to use
and set the offset as the id.