Open Jurigag opened 9 years ago
I am having same issue. Did you manage to solve it? @Jurigag
I added those directives : infinite-scroll-use-document-bottom="false" infinite-scroll-distance='1' infinite-scroll-parent and it works fine. My parent is li element..
@Jurigag could you provide samples? Did not work for me
My html template looks like this:
<li class="external">
<h3>Nieprzeczytanych powiadomień: <span class="bold" ng-bind="unread"></span></h3>
<li style="max-height: 250px; overflow-y: scroll;">
<ul class="dropdown-menu-list" infinite-scroll='loadMore()' infinite-scroll-disabled='busy || all' infinite-scroll-use-document-bottom="false" infinite-scroll-distance='1' infinite-scroll-parent id="infinite-container">
<li ng-repeat="notification in notifications track by" ng-class="[notification.readStatus == 0 ? 'un-active' :'']">
<div class="single-notification">
<span class="time" am-time-ago="notification.addDate | amParse:'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'"></span>
<span tooltip="Oznacz jako przeczytane" ng-click="markAsRead(notification)" class="timeread pointer"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></span>
<a href="{{::generateUrl(notification)}}">
<span class="details">
<span class="label label-sm label-icon label-success">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
<span compile="notification.content"></span>
Code of it is just included in ul tag which is display:none by default.
@Jurigag thanks
There are some problems with hidden containers - its getting wrong dimensions when its hidden and trigger load function when it shouldnt be, maybe you could add some if to check if container is visible first and then go working ?
Im using it with notifications - on hover/click like on facebook.