Whenever there is a model change inside the container that infinite-scroll is in, it triggers a digest cycle to redraw the components with the updated model. When the components are redrawn, the infinite scroll container is unbinded to the scroll handler upon destruction. Then when it is re-created, the container is binded back with the scroll handler. When this happens, infinite-scroll does not trigger.
Whenever there is a model change inside the container that infinite-scroll is in, it triggers a digest cycle to redraw the components with the updated model. When the components are redrawn, the infinite scroll container is unbinded to the scroll handler upon destruction. Then when it is re-created, the container is binded back with the scroll handler. When this happens, infinite-scroll does not trigger.
There is a stack-overflow for the non-angular version of ngInfinteScroll, but I can't figure out the solution for this library. Here is the stackoverflow link... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7936270/jquery-infinite-scroll-reset