srpurdy / SharpEdgeCMS

Content Management System
MIT License
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Multi Site / Packages #16

Open srpurdy opened 11 years ago

srpurdy commented 11 years ago

Long Term, No ETA,

Ability to have multiple website (urls) with 1 install of sharpedge. This will work with Domain Routing, or can also work with subdomains.

Each Site will have it's own database

Packages will tie into this system allowing you to allow features based on the package. You could also charge fee's

Will also require some clever folder structures for assets so sites can only access assets (images etc) that they uploaded.

srpurdy commented 10 years ago

Just some more notes on this feature.

For Website Packages

Resource allocation (Disk Usage) will be based off the custom folder each website gets when created. The logistics of how I will control this limit to be determined. My thought is it's not a completely hard limit. So if the limit was 50MB and you had 49MB and uploaded a 2mb picture you could do so. But after that you would be full. Since file uploads happen 1 at a time. I don't see this being a big issue. It could be made more robust in the future however.

Page Limits. To put some limit on how much database usage you would allow. For example if you wanted to offer a free website with 10 pages limit. Could be used to promote the system you have in place as a trial. With only access to various modules included. So you would also have ability to control what modules the website is allowed to use. For example if you don't want to allow the gallery module you can disable it for that package.

Frontend Interface for purchasing or setting up a website would consist of basic information like Name of the website, domain name (or subdomain) - backend fields would consist of wither the website expires or not so you could charge a monthly or yearly fee for the package. Theme the website will use as well as the admin_theme for the website which will be different in someways to the default_admin theme included in sharpedge. Basically it will have more logic built in, and more locked down. the database_name of the websites database. userfiles directory name where files are stored and the package of the website.

Payment processing. (By default I will hook in paypal IPN) so that purchase and the setup of the website will happen automatically. However flexibility will be built in to support other gateways.

With SNI Support domains could all have they're own https. Maybe I will include this as an option in the packages so you could up-sell easier. Of course your webserver would need to support SNI which if you are using latest OS or the latest openssl should be the case.

That's all for now. :)