srs81 / CakePHP-AjaxMultiUpload

CakePHP 2 plugin to allow for easy multi-file upload with AJAX
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How save an extra data in database? #42

Closed G00z closed 10 years ago

G00z commented 10 years ago

Hello, thanks for this Plugin, works great, i have a dude, when the image is saved only save the ID in the database, how can i save the image name in my DB?

I hope you can help me please.


srs81 commented 10 years ago

Actually, it doesn't save any info to the database at all. It only saves the files you've uploaded to a directory based on the model ID, but doesn't touch the database.

If you need more fields you need to add that to your schema/table/Model in CakePHP. This is just a file upload plugin that allows you to associate files.