srsolutionsag / PegasusHelper

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update from 04b60f7026 Table 'ilias.ui_uihk_pegasus_theme' doesn't exist #2

Open pawohl opened 4 years ago

pawohl commented 4 years ago


  1. Update to 2e2338ae07 from 04b60f7026
  2. Click "update" on PH in Administration->Plugins
  3. Click "configure" on PH in Administration->Plugins

Result: ILIAS error page. Logs:

[1001b] [2020-01-10 11:08:58.199675] client_root.ERROR: ilErrorHandling::{closure}:50 10000 An undefined Database Exception occured. SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'ilias.ui_uihk_pegasus_theme' doesn't exist QUERY: SELECT * FROM ui_uihk_pegasus_theme in /var/www/ilias/Services/Database/classes/PDO/class.ilDBPdo.php:510 

Expected: No error.

Rillke commented 4 years ago

@Idrimi In order to mitigate this issue, we had to run:

UPDATE `ilias_prod`.`il_plugin`
SET `last_update_version`='1.1.1', `db_version`='4'
WHERE `component_type`='Services'

The reason: The database installer has fundamentally changed. We had db_version=15 and therefore the update steps required were not executed when pressing "update".

Idrimi commented 4 years ago

Hi @pawohl & @Rillke for the Info and your solution. Like 30% of the participating institutions had this update error. We hope this will not occur again in the future.