srujanr40 / dogfish

CPSC 455 Project
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Workshop 5 scrum report #52

Open Taqdeer opened 1 year ago

Taqdeer commented 1 year ago

Taqdeer Grewal e2k1l

I worked on integrating the google maps api in the backend to show the sports sessions happening within 5 kms of user's location. Also implemented the filter by sports name.

The major issue I ran into was setting up the environment variables correctly. I did not know that react applications only accept environment variables with REACT_APP prefixes.

I will work on implementing Search and the stretch requirement of verifying user's email by integrating Sendgrid's API to the project.

rkelly123 commented 1 year ago

Rory Kelly v7y2b

I worked on a couple of bug fixes and getting the application deployed/hosted.

I didn't run into many issues, other than a general lack of time to work on the project due to lots of deadlines in my other courses.

This week, I will work on some general bugfixes, improving the recommendation algorithm, improving how sessions are joined (updating session fields), introducing session owners/privileges. I'll also fill the DB with good mock data that makes the app ready for presentation.

srujanr40 commented 1 year ago

Srujan Rao k1w2b

I added more validation to the create session component, and improved the way it handled adding new equipment. I also modified the popup to make it cleaner and more intuitive.

There weren't any major issues in my work this week.

I'll be working on our presentation for the project demo, and assist the team if any help is needed with squashing bugs and making our application more robust.

edvinkeskin commented 1 year ago

Edvin Keskin x9g3b

  1. I added missing fields to JoinSession page, minor adjustments. Started implementing frontend and backend of the forum page.
  2. I was unsure on UX for the forum so checked some samples online, kept it simple. Also some backend pipelining issues
  3. I'll resume work on the forum, and work on presentation slides.
ksridar commented 1 year ago

Krish Sridar t7w2b

  1. I worked on authentication (login + signup) and revamped the UI (logo, cards, navbar, sessions)
  2. I had issues with authentication since we were not using a third-party API and so I had to find the balance between ease of implementation and security
  3. I'll continue working on revamping the UI and making the entire website consistent for the demo