srujanr40 / dogfish

CPSC 455 Project
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Final README update #89

Closed rkelly123 closed 11 months ago

rkelly123 commented 11 months ago

Starting to address the following:

  1. Top of README – clear description of app (can be like an elevator pitch!) [2-3 sentences]
  2. Clear statement of goals (minimal, standard, stretch) and some indication of what was completed [It is enough to simply put a green check icon or red ‘x’ (or yellow ‘!’) next to each goal.]
  3. Description on how tech from Units 1-5 are used in the project. See rubric item 2 for a sense of what we’re looking for in this description. [2-3 sentences each]
  4. Description of ‘Above and Beyond’ functionality. Please give a clear description and in-depth explanation of how you went above and beyond the requirements of the course. This will help us awards marks for rubric item 4.
  5. Description of Next Steps. What would you do next to further improve the app, or add additional relevant functionality? You may want to reference your in-progress or incomplete goals in this section. [2-3 sentences]
  6. List of contributions. Highlight areas where each team member contributed significantly. [2-3 sentences per team member]

There are still some things left to do, and also feel free to edit the sections that I have already done.

So far, I have done section 1, 2, 4, 5, and my part of 6. TODO: section 3, and everyone needs to add their part of section 6