srusskih / SublimeJEDI

awesome Python autocompletion with SublimeText
MIT License
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v0.10.0 installs additional packages into ST3/Packages directory #216

Closed pe224 closed 7 years ago

pe224 commented 7 years ago

After the (automatic) update to SublimeJedi 0.10.0 there are the following additional packages installed into Sublime Text 3\Packages:

Is this necessary? Before, sublimeJedi (or Jedi itself) seemed to work fine without them.

srusskih commented 7 years ago

Yeap, packages are required for new tooltips highlighting Packages was add in #210 as dependencies.

I think we can rid of them in future releases when tooltips would improved.

pe224 commented 7 years ago

@srusskih Ok, thanks for the answer. Do I have to activate the nice output somewhere? For me it's showing popup

srusskih commented 7 years ago

There is no any options, for now. It should be activated automatically if your editor's version is greater then 3118.

PS: uses API features from ST3 Beta 3118+

pe224 commented 7 years ago

On it even says ST3 3124+ But anyways, my ST is 3126 (latest stable), so it should work... what's going on?

srusskih commented 7 years ago

Maybe @deathaxe could help you?

srusskih commented 7 years ago

It's really interesting, where there highlighting (:

pe224 commented 7 years ago

Ah, sorry. The screenshot above was from sublime_jedi_docstring command, not on_hover. But when I try on_hover it looks the same. I think it is calling mdpopups, but the formatting seems gone. (a simple mdpopups.show_popup(view, "This is a test") gives me a similar-looking popup window)

deathaxe commented 7 years ago

You may try to add the following key to your Preferences.sublime-settings even though it should be the default with latest releases of mdpopups.

"mdpopups.use_sublime_highlighter": true,
pe224 commented 7 years ago

@deathaxe Thanks. It enabled the highlighting. Is there still a small issue with the formatting? Shouldn't the top line be a larger font than the rest? Do I have to customize it or are the default settings not loaded properly? image

deathaxe commented 7 years ago

What you see is the default style of a code view created by mdpopups.

You can modify all aspects of tooltips created with mdpopups by creating a Packages/User/mdpopups.css and place global or package specific rules into.

To increase the font-size of the highlighted code for jedi only, you'll need to add the following rule.

.jedi .highlight {
    font-size: 1.1rem;

Following rule would apply to all tooltips created by mdpopups.

.mdpopups .highlight {
    font-size: 1.1rem;

Each package may use a wrapper-class when creating mdpopups to provide package specific styling rules. SublimeJEDI uses .jedi. GitGutter uses .git-gutter.

For further details about styling please refer to mdpopups' documentation The package comes with a default.css as a cheatsheet for available rules.

srusskih commented 7 years ago

@deathaxe I bet we should place this "how to" in to readme-file