srusskih / SublimeJEDI

awesome Python autocompletion with SublimeText
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Python auto completion doesn't work with $project_path config #223

Closed mortymacs closed 6 years ago

mortymacs commented 7 years ago

I've set this config in my jedi-user config:

    "python_interpreter": "$project_path/venv/bin/python"

But it can't find installed packages on project venv, so auto completion doesn't work. Note: each project has its own venv directory. for example:


Thanks in advanced.

gtalarico commented 6 years ago

I would love to be able to do this as well, especially for python_package_paths so it can pick up autocomplete for packages in the current venv

For example:

    "python_package_paths": [
mortymacs commented 6 years ago

@gtalarico Thank you so much, but I'm looking for $project_path because every project has its own venv in its root directory. PyCharm can find it well.

srusskih commented 6 years ago

oh my (: it should be $project_path but it is $packages

going to fix this today.

srusskih commented 6 years ago

have pushed changes - 78736e3 @mortezaipo could you please check if it works for you?

mortymacs commented 6 years ago

@srusskih thanks for your update. Auto completion doesn't work find and I've checked the console, it shows it:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sublime_text/", line 591, in on_query_completions
    res = callback.on_query_completions(v, prefix, locations)
  File "/home/morteza/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Jedi - Python autocompletion/sublime_jedi/", line 178, in on_query_completions
    ask_daemon(view, self._show_completions, 'autocomplete', locations[0])
  File "/home/morteza/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Jedi - Python autocompletion/sublime_jedi/", line 212, in ask_daemon
    DAEMONS[window_id] = Daemon(view)
  File "/home/morteza/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Jedi - Python autocompletion/sublime_jedi/", line 122, in __init__
    self.process = self._start_process(get_settings(view))
  File "/home/morteza/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Jedi - Python autocompletion/sublime_jedi/", line 160, in _start_process
    return subprocess.Popen(command, **options)
  File "./python3.3/", line 819, in __init__
  File "./python3.3/", line 1448, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '$project_path/venv/bin/python'
Jedi - Python autocompletion.sublime_jedi.utils: Daemon process failed with next parameters: ['$project_path/venv/bin/python', '-B', '', '-p', 'uclipboard', '-f', ''] {'stdin': -1, 'bufsize': -1, 'universal_newlines': True, 'cwd': '/home/morteza/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Jedi - Python autocompletion/sublime_jedi', 'stderr': -1, 'stdout': -1}

It seems that $project_path doesn't convert to the real path.

srusskih commented 6 years ago

thanks. working on it.

srusskih commented 6 years ago

I thought I know what I'm doing, going to write some test and review this old code (:

srusskih commented 6 years ago

@mortezaipo can I ask you check jedi process for params ? Could you please do something like this and share output? Note: you need to trigger completion in sublime editor to run jedi process

$ ps ax | grep
 7280   ??  S      0:00.84 /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.12/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ -B -p Jedi - Python autocompletion -f required
mortymacs commented 6 years ago

@srusskih I've checked that, there is no background process associated to jedi:

$ ps -x | grep -i jedi
79: 2155 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep -n --color -i jedi

While sublime console shows it:

reloading plugin Jedi - Python autocompletion.__init__
plugins loaded
mortymacs commented 6 years ago

Also this is my sublime_jedi.sublime-settings configuration file:

    "auto_complete_function_params": "",
    "python_interpreter": "$project_path/venv/bin/python"
srusskih commented 6 years ago

sublime should run as a subprocess could you please try this - ps ax | grep ?

mortymacs commented 6 years ago

There is no process with this name too:

$ ps ax | grep -i
236: 4109 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep -n --color -i
srusskih commented 6 years ago

and completion was triggered? that's odd...

srusskih commented 6 years ago

what i'm trying to figure out is if the pluging uses python from settings or not. should be run with a python from virtualenv. so, when completion first time triggered, daemon should be run as a subprocess and we can find out what options was passed to

mortymacs commented 6 years ago

@srusskih, Problem solved, it was my mistake. I had to save the project file (myproject.sublime-project). Daemon process will start successfully:

$ ps -x | grep
106:20152 ?        S      0:00 /home/morteza/Workspace/myproject/venv/bin/python -B -p myproject -f
108:20164 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep -n --color

Now it works fine.

So there is no change required in your code (I've tested you commit and it shows error). This is my file which works fine (your old code works fine):

        subl_vars['$packages'] = sublime.packages_path()

            subl_vars['$project'] = view.window().project_file_name()
        except AttributeError:
            subl_vars['$project'] = get_project_file_name(view.window())

Kindly accept my apologize for this mistake. Thank you so much.

srusskih commented 6 years ago

changes reverted :) happy coding :)

geruleonam commented 4 years ago

i'm finding a way to setup python interpreter globally, it think so boring to setup Py for each project. Pyenv gimme this file as python current active environ[1] but when i setted it on global settings it seems dont work, someone can me help me? [1] ~/.pyenv/shims/python