srusskih / SublimeJEDI

awesome Python autocompletion with SublimeText
MIT License
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Somehow display the docstring during autcomplete. #9

Closed nfaggian closed 11 years ago

nfaggian commented 11 years ago

This is a nice feature in the vim plugin that would be amazing to have in sublime text.

Not sure if the current sublime API is too limiting though - i.e. as a user steps through auto-complete options is there a callback that could update the view?

douglasmiranda commented 11 years ago

+1 would be nice, but providing a way to turn it on and turn it off "display_docstring_during_autocomplete": "true"

srusskih commented 11 years ago

Looks like Sublime API does not provide attaching a callback when user goes through auto-complete list's items

hickford commented 11 years ago

This package is great, but being able to read documentation (cf. Intellisense in Visual Studio) would make it even better. If Sublime's API doesn't allow this, could we ask Sublime to improve its API?

FichteFoll commented 11 years ago

Wow, didn't really think of that, I'll add it to SublimeText/Issues#25. Let's hope it'll get some attention.