srv / avt_vimba_camera

ROS Driver for AVT cameras using VIMBA SDK
23 stars 93 forks source link

Published frame rate #34

Open lbucklandAS opened 6 years ago

lbucklandAS commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

I'm trying to work with the avt_vimba_camera driver to get a mako camera working on my system but am running into published frame rate issues. The configuration I'm trying to get working is the following:

1200 x 900, RGB8Packed with 30 fps

I tested this configuration with Vimba Viewer and had no issues displaying this, after playing with the exposure settings. And when I run the driver with those same settings it seems to indicate that the frame rate is fine, at least on the hardware side. But when I monitor the published image data, it is at a considerably lower rate than should be expected. Something on the order of half.

I tried throwing some timestamps in the code to see how it performed in the frameCallback. It seems like the driver is receiving frames at the expected rate until something subscribes to the node, and triggers the actual publishing of the images. The rate then drops down considerably, to the lowered rates I was seeing in testing. Anyway, this leads me to believe that there might be a threading or buffer issue in the driver or vimba API. Can I ask if you have seen this issue before, and may have insights into how to solve it?

Thank you for your time!


miquelmassot commented 6 years ago

I haven't tested RGB8Packet, we normally work in raw8 format. I can suggest to comment out this line to see if this solves the issue.

JWhitleyWork commented 4 years ago

This fork is no longer actively maintained. Please see our new fork at, which has been updated and recently released.