Open fujisys opened 8 years ago
Hi @fujisys!
Can you tell us how did you install libfovis and fovis-ros? It seems that you're using a bagfile. Have you set the ROS parameter _use_simtime to true?
I clone fovis and libfovis from github into a workspace. And I use catkin_make to build them.
No, I don't use a bagfile. I run fovis with kinect.
Hi @fujisys!
The message NO_DATA appears always at the beginning in the hydro version. The message INSUFFICIENT_INLIERS means that there are not enough inliers to estimate the motion. Is the node publishing any odometry? I mean, when you subscribe to its odometry message, are you seeing any data?
The message REPROJECTION_ERROR, in stereo images, usually indicates that your calibration is bad.
Hi @plnegre i have also the _fovis odometry status: INSUFFICIENTINLIER , when i run fovis in Ubuntu 16.04, kinetic with Intel R200. and my launch file looks like this:
I try to run fovis by using the command:rosrun fovis_ros fovis_mono_depth_odometer
Then I get the following messages:
[ WARN] [1448431567.223441676]: fovis odometry status: NO_DATA [ WARN] [1448431567.269142475]: fovis odometry status: INSUFFICIENT_INLIERS [ WARN] [1448431567.330962002]: fovis odometry status: INSUFFICIENT_INLIERS [ WARN] [1448431570.653291787]: fovis odometry status: REPROJECTION_ERROR
My environment: ROS hydro, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS