While trying to execute any of the tools, rosrun exits with an error:
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named <NAME> below /opt/ros/indigo/share/<PACKAGE_NAME>
It seems that the python-based tools are installed to /opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (which is not part of the standard ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable, so rosrun won't look there by default):
This could be worked around in several ways, but the problem is that the binary tools (e.g. tf_logger) are not present at all. The only solution to get all srv_tools is to compile from source in which case, the tools are installed at the right locations in catkin workspace.
Thanks for reporting @kynad, we'll work on this. For now, please download and compile the repo as another catkin package. If you know how to correct it, PR and we'll merge it.
While trying to execute any of the tools, rosrun exits with an error:
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named <NAME> below /opt/ros/indigo/share/<PACKAGE_NAME>
It seems that the python-based tools are installed to /opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (which is not part of the standard ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable, so rosrun won't look there by default):
This could be worked around in several ways, but the problem is that the binary tools (e.g. tf_logger) are not present at all. The only solution to get all srv_tools is to compile from source in which case, the tools are installed at the right locations in catkin workspace.
apt-get log: Commandline: apt-get install --reinstall --yes ros-indigo-srv-tools Install: ros-indigo-srv-tools:amd64 (0.0.1-0trusty-20170430-140120-0800), xdot:amd64 (0.5-2ubuntu0.1, automatic), ros-indigo-tf-tools:amd64 (0.0.1-0trusty-20170415-210717-0800, automatic), ros-indigo-launch-tools:amd64 (0.0.1-0trusty-20170313-091307-0700, automatic), ros-indigo-pointcloud-tools:amd64 (0.0.1-0trusty-20170415-224530-0800, automatic), ros-indigo-plot-tools:amd64 (0.0.1-0trusty-20170313-091359-0700, automatic), ros-indigo-bag-tools:amd64 (0.0.1-0trusty-20170430-134847-0800, automatic)