srv / viso2

A ROS wrapper for libviso2, a library for visual odometry
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Create ROS2 and/or dashing-devel branch for ROS2 #73

Open klintan opened 4 years ago

klintan commented 4 years ago

Hey, I'm converting the library to ROS2 Dashing, so it would be awesome if you could create a ROS2 or perhaps dashing-devel branch for this so that I can create a PR to that branch.

Many thanks!

klintan commented 4 years ago

Now compiles here:

As soon as you have a branch created I'll create a PR for a thorough review.

klintan commented 4 years ago

Gentle bump here, it works now I would love to have a review of it, and I think there are others out there that would benefit of a ROS2 port.

klintan commented 4 years ago

@miquelmassot are there any maintainers on this project ?

bomiquel commented 11 months ago

Hey @klintan! First of all, sorry for the delay, there was no one assigned to the maintenance of this project. I'll try to keep it a bit more up to date.

I've created a dashing-devel branch so you can do a PR. I will be able to review your code when you do the PR, but for now I won't be able to test your modifications because I don't have access to a computer with ROS2.

Please update your project with the latest changes before making the pull request.

Thank you very much!