Closed zhangjiulong closed 8 years ago
your wav.scp is not correct. you are using the wave file itself as a feeding into the pipeline. remove the '|' at the end of each line.
在 2016/6/2 17:57, zhangjiulong 写道:
I want to test eesen on timit data, but I got some error when extracting fbank features. the error like this
|copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:/home/zhangjl/git/asr/eesen/asr_egs/timit/v1/fbank/raw_fbank_train.20.ark,/home/zhangjl/git/asr/eesen/asr_egs/timit/v1/fbank/raw_fbank_train.20.scp extract-segments scp,p:data/train/wav.scp exp/make_fbank/train/segments.20 ark:- compute-fbank-feats --verbose=2 --config=conf/fbank.conf ark:- ark:- sh: /home/zhangjl/dataCenter/asr/timitTedFormat/train/wav/mtrc0_si479.wav: Permission denied ERROR (extract-segments:Read4ByteTag() WaveData: expected 4-byte chunk-name, got read errror WARNING (extract-segments:Read():feat/wave-reader.h:149) Exception caught in WaveHolder object (reading). WARNING (extract-segments:HasKeyInternal():util/kaldi-table-inl.h:1370) RandomAccessTableReader: error reading object from stream '/home/zhangjl/dataCenter/asr/timitTedFormat/train/wav/mtrc0_si479.wav |' WARNING (extract-segments:main() Could not find recording mtrc0_si479, skipping segment mtrc0_si479-0000000-0000436 WARNING (extract-segments:Close() Pipe /home/zhangjl/dataCenter/asr/timitTedFormat/train/wav/mtrc0_si479.wav | had nonzero return status 32256 sh: /home/zhangjl/dataCenter/asr/timitTedFormat/train/wav/mtrc0_sx119.wav: Permission denied ERROR (extract-segments:Read4ByteTag() WaveData: expected 4-byte chunk-name, got read errror |
I process the data as follows:
- I convert the sounds of timit to wav format as follows run cmd as follows:
|file mtrc0_si479.wav |
and got the result
|si2005.wav: NIST SPHERE file |
so I use sox convert sphere format to wav format, the result like this
|RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz |
- I transform timit data like tedlium data format, the only difference is the wav.scp file. tedlimu' wav.scp is like
ichaelSpecter_2010 /home/zhangjl/git/asr/eesen/asr_egs/tedlium/v1/../../../tools/sph2pipe_v2.5/sph2pipe -f wav -p /home/zhangjl/git/asr/eesen/asr_egs/tedlium/v1/db/TEDLIUM_release1/test/sph/MichaelSpecter_2010.sph my wav.scp is like
|faem0_si1823 /home/zhangjl/dataCenter/asr/timitTedFormat/test/wav/faem0_si1823.wav | |
Look forward your suggestion. Thx
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@naxingyu Thanks very much, it works.
I want to test eesen on timit data, but I got some error when extracting fbank features. the error like this
I process the data as follows:
I convert the sounds of timit to wav format as follows
run cmd as follows:
and got the result
so I use sox convert sphere format to wav format, the result like this
I transform timit data like tedlium data format, the only difference is the wav.scp file.
tedlimu' wav.scp is like
my wav.scp is like
Look forward your suggestion. Thx