srwi / EverythingToolbar

Everything integration for the Windows taskbar.
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blurry font #424

Closed alkrt closed 10 months ago

alkrt commented 11 months ago

Preflight Checklist

Problem Description

Hello, thank you for your hard work! I have win 10 and the scaling is set to 125%, because of this, the search box is blurred. I tried to change the dpi settings for EverythingToolbar.Launcher.exe but, unfortunately, this did not give any result.

Please adapt your program to non-standard windows scaling settings, thanks in advance.


Proposed Solution

change the problem of blurred fonts

Alternatives Considered

dont know

Additional Information

No response

srwi commented 11 months ago

Please provide some information like the versions you are using and the log file located at %APPDATA%\EverythingToolbar.log. Thank you.

srwi commented 11 months ago

For me this only happens when changing the display scaling method while EverythingToolbar is already started. Does the problem persist if you restart EverythingToolbar?

alkrt commented 11 months ago

For me this only happens when changing the display scaling method while EverythingToolbar is already started. Does the problem persist if you restart EverythingToolbar?

Unfortunately, I still have a problem. Even if you restart the program. I checked on another computer, and there is also a scale of 125% and the same problem with blurred fonts (win 11). However, this problem is not only with your program, but also with many others. But I can solve it if I select dpi parameters for a specific program in the shortcut properties, but this does not work for EverythingToolbar

I installed a clean win 10 on virtualbox, set the scale to 125% and reproduced the problem. Please try it yourself. Thank you for any help!

srwi commented 11 months ago

Again, please provide the log file located at %APPDATA%\EverythingToolbar.log.

I can't reproduce the problem in my Windows 10 VM either:


However, this problem is not only with your program, but also with many others.

Could you please name some of those programs so I can see if I have the same problem with those?

I noticed that I can reproduce the problem when I change the DPI settings for EverythingToolbar.Launcher.exe to non-standard settings. I can reproduce the problem when checking the checkmark Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings. So please make sure to UNCHECK this checkmark and report back if the problem persists.

The problem is gone if I use the following settings:


alkrt commented 11 months ago

Well, I tried again to perceive the problem.

I created a clean win 10 on virtualbox. Next, I set the scaling to 120% in the settings. Next, I installed Everything and then EverythingToolbar, did not change anything in the settings anymore. And I see this picture.


Content of EverythingToolbar.log is:

2023-08-05 04:02:54.4008|INFO|Launcher|EverythingToolbar Launcher started. OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0| 2023-08-05 04:03:50.8368|INFO|EverythingToolbar.EverythingSearch|Everything version: 1.4.1|


srwi commented 11 months ago

With a scaling factor of 120% I can reproduce the blurriness in Windows 10, but not in Windows 11. When you wrote 125%, were you actually referring to 120% as well or were the numbers above accurate?

I am summarizing what I understood so far either from you or from my experiments:

According to my experiments, blurriness occurs when:

  1. Changing DPI settings while EverythingToolbar is already started (tray icon is visible) (Win 10 & 11)
  2. Checking the Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings checkbox in the shortcut settings (Win 10 & 11)
  3. Launching EverythingToolbar while Windows is set to a scaling factor of 120% (Win 10 only)

From what I understand from you, blurriness occurs when:

  1. Launching EverythingToolbar while Windows is set to a scaling factor of 125% (Win 10 & 11)
  2. Launching EverythingToolbar while Windows is set to a scaling factor of 120% (Win 10)
  3. Independant of the Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings checkbox (Win 10)

How I can get rid of the blurriness:

alkrt commented 11 months ago

When you wrote 125%, were you actually referring to 120% as well or were the numbers above accurate?

Yes, I meant 120 (I was wrong initially).

Win 10: Set scaling factor to 125% (not 120%); Uncheck Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings; Launch EverythingToolbar

Yes, this is a working council. However, I am used to the scale of 120%. Therefore, I would like to find a solution for exactly 120%. Agree, changing the scale for the sake of one program is not a very good way out of the situation.

All other programs that I have on my PC feel great at a scale of 120%, and where blurry fonts are, this is usually corrected by dpi settings for a specific program.

My main workstation is win 10 (120% scale)

I will be very glad and grateful if you find the time and adapt your program to any values of the scale. Thank you in advance!

srwi commented 10 months ago

Sorry for my delayed response. I identified the problem and implemented a simple fix. It will be available in the next release. Thank you for your patience and support!