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Merge upstream 01.09.24 #495

Closed Furrior closed 1 month ago

Furrior commented 1 month ago

Какого хуя у меня мердж сквашнулся

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This PR causes following conflicts on translate branch:

code/datums/mutations/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + desc = "A strange genome that allows the user to see between the spaces of walls." //actual x-ray would mean you'd constantly be blasting rads, which might be fun for later //hmb + text_gain_indication = span_notice("The walls suddenly disappear!") ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ desc = "A strange genome that allows the user to see between the spaces of walls." //actual x-ray would mean you'd constantly be blasting rads, wich might be fun for later //hmb ++ text_gain_indication = span_notice("The walls suddenly disappear!") ++======= + desc = "Странный геном, который позволяет его обладателю видеть пространство между стенами." //actual x-ray would mean you'd constantly be blasting rads, wich might be fun for later //hmb + text_gain_indication = span_notice("Стены вдруг исчезли!") ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/datums/quirks/positive_quirks/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + desc = "You were born in space, and have never known the comfort of a planet's gravity. Your body has adapted to this. \ + You are more comfortable in zero and artificial gravity and are more resistant to the effects of space, \ + but travelling to a planet's surface for an extended period of time will make you feel sick." + gain_text = span_notice("You feel at home in space.") + lose_text = span_danger("You feel homesick.") ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ desc = "You were born in space, and have never known the comfort of a planet's gravity. Your body has adapted to this. \ ++ You are more comfortable in zero and artifical gravity and are more resistant to the effects of space, \ ++ but travelling to a planet's surface for an extended period of time will make you feel sick." ++ gain_text = span_notice("You feel at home in space.") ++ lose_text = span_danger("You feel homesick.") ++======= + desc = "Вы родились в космосе и никогда не знали, что такое планетарная гравитация. Ваше тело приспособилось к этому. \ + Вы чувствуете себя более комфортно в условиях нулевой и искусственной гравитации и более устойчивы к воздействию космоса, \ + но длительное пребывание на поверхности планеты приведет к тому, что вы почувствуете себя плохо." + gain_text = span_notice("В космосе вы чувствуете себя как рыба в воде.") + lose_text = span_danger("Кажется, в космосе уже не так комфортно, как раньше.") ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/game/machinery/computer/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + nuke_request(reason, user) + to_chat(user, span_notice("Request sent.")) + user.log_message("has requested the nuclear codes from CentCom with reason \"[reason]\"", LOG_SAY) + priority_announce("The codes for the on-station nuclear self-destruct have been requested by [user]. Confirmation or denial of this request will be sent shortly.", "Nuclear Self-Destruct Codes Requested", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ nuke_request(reason, usr) ++ to_chat(usr, span_notice("Request sent.")) ++ usr.log_message("has requested the nuclear codes from CentCom with reason \"[reason]\"", LOG_SAY) ++ priority_announce("The codes for the on-station nuclear self-destruct have been requested by [usr]. Confirmation or denial of this request will be sent shortly.", "Nuclear Self-Destruct Codes Requested", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) ++======= + nuke_request(reason, usr) + to_chat(usr, span_notice("Request sent.")) + usr.log_message("has requested the nuclear codes from CentCom with reason \"[reason]\"", LOG_SAY) + priority_announce("[usr] запросил коды для запуска механизма ядерного самоуничтожения станции. В ближайшее время будет отправлено уведомление о подтверждении или отклонении данного запроса.", "Запрос кода самоуничтожения станции", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/game/machinery/newscaster/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + create_feed_channel("Station Announcements", "SS13", "Company news, staff announcements, and all the latest information. Have a secure shift!", locked = TRUE, hardset_channel = 1000) ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ create_feed_channel("Station Announcements", "SS13", "Company news, staff annoucements, and all the latest information. Have a secure shift!", locked = TRUE, hardset_channel = 1000) ++======= + create_feed_channel("Станционные оповещения", "SS13", "Company news, staff annoucements, and all the latest information. Have a secure shift!", locked = TRUE, hardset_channel = 1000) ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/antagonists/heretic/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + loc.balloon_alert(user, "already being drained!") ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ balloon_alert(user, "already being drained!") ++======= + balloon_alert(user, "уже добывается!") ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ++<<<<<<< HEAD + loc.balloon_alert(user, "draining influence...") ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ balloon_alert(user, "draining influence...") ++======= + balloon_alert(user, "добыча влияния...") ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ++<<<<<<< HEAD + loc.balloon_alert(user, "interrupted!") ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ balloon_alert(user, "interrupted!") ++======= + balloon_alert(user, "прервано!") ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ++<<<<<<< HEAD + loc.balloon_alert(user, "influence drained") ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ balloon_alert(user, "influence drained") ++======= + balloon_alert(user, "влияние добыто") ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/antagonists/heretic/knowledge/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + desc = "Grants you Cosmic Runes, a spell that creates two runes linked with each other for easy teleportation. \ + Only the entity activating the rune will get transported, and it can be used by anyone without a star mark. \ + However, people with a star mark will get transported along with another person using the rune." + gain_text = "The distant stars crept into my dreams, roaring and screaming without reason. \ + I spoke, and heard my own words echoed back." ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ desc = "Grants you Cosmic Runes, a spell that creates two runes linked with eachother for easy teleportation. \ ++ Only the entity activating the rune will get transported, and it can be used by anyone without a star mark. \ ++ However, people with a star mark will get transported along with another person using the rune." ++ gain_text = "The distant stars crept into my dreams, roaring and screaming without reason. \ ++ I spoke, and heard my own words echoed back." ++======= + desc = "Дает вам Cosmic Runes, заклинание, которое создает две руны, связанные друг с другом для легкой телепортации. \ + Перемещаться будет только тот, кто активирует руну, а использовать ее может любой человек без Метки звезды. \ + Однако люди с Меткой звезды будут переноситься вместе с тем, кто использует руну." + gain_text = "Далекие звезды закрались в мои сны, беспричинно ревя и крича. \ + Я заговорил и услышал, как мои же слова отозвались эхом." ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/antagonists/heretic/knowledge/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + desc = "Allows you to transmute a stick of chalk, a wooden plank, and a multitool to create a Labyrinth Handbook. \ + It can materialize a barricade at range that only you and people resistant to magic can pass. 3 uses." + gain_text = "The Concierge scribbled my name into the Handbook. \"Welcome to your new home, fellow Steward.\"" ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ desc = "Allows you to transmute a white crayon, a wooden plank, and a multitool to create a Labyrinth Handbook. \ ++ It can materialize a barricade at range that only you and people resistant to magic can pass. 3 uses." ++ gain_text = "The Concierge scribbled my name into the Handbook. \"Welcome to your new home, fellow Steward.\"" ++======= + desc = "Позволяет трансмутировать белый карандаш, деревянную доску и мультитул, чтобы создать Справочник лабиринта. \ + Оно может материализовать на расстоянии баррикаду, через которую могут пройти только вы и люди с сопротивлением против магии. 3 использования." + gain_text = "Консьерж записал мое имя в Справочник. \"Добро пожаловать в ваш новый дом, коллега Управляющий.\"" ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/antagonists/heretic/knowledge/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + if(HAS_MIND_TRAIT(crewmate, TRAIT_UNCONVERTABLE) || crewmate.can_block_magic(MAGIC_RESISTANCE)) + to_chat(crewmate, span_boldwarning("You feel shielded from something." )) ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ if(HAS_TRAIT(crewmate, TRAIT_MINDSHIELD) || crewmate.can_block_magic(MAGIC_RESISTANCE)) ++ to_chat(crewmate, span_boldwarning("You feel shielded from something." )) ++======= + if(HAS_TRAIT(crewmate, TRAIT_MINDSHIELD) || crewmate.can_block_magic(MAGIC_RESISTANCE)) + to_chat(crewmate, span_boldwarning("Вы чувствуете, что защитились от чего-то." )) ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/antagonists/heretic/structures/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + desc = "It stares back. There's no reason to remain. Run." ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ desc = "It stares back. Theres no reason to remain. Run." ++======= + desc = "Оно смотрит в ответ. Нет причин оставаться. Беги." ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/antagonists/malf_ai/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + desc = "Disables all emergency lighting. Note that emergency lights can be restored through reboot at an APC." + button_icon = 'icons/obj/machines/lighting.dmi' ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ desc = "Disables all emergency lighting. Note that emergency lights can be restored through reboot at an APC." ++ button_icon = 'icons/obj/lighting.dmi' ++======= + desc = "Отключает всё аварийное освещение. Обратите внимание, что освещение может быть восстановлено путем перезагрузки ЛКП." + button_icon = 'icons/obj/lighting.dmi' ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/events/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD +/datum/round_event/aurora_caelus/announce(fake) + priority_announce("[station_name()]: A harmless cloud of ions is approaching your station, and will exhaust their energy battering the hull. Nanotrasen has approved a short break for all employees to relax and observe this very rare event. During this time, starlight will be bright but gentle, shifting between quiet green and blue colors. Any staff who would like to view these lights for themselves may proceed to the area nearest to them with viewing ports to open space. We hope you enjoy the lights.", ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++/datum/round_event/aurora_caelus/announce() ++ priority_announce("[station_name()]: A harmless cloud of ions is approaching your station, and will exhaust their energy battering the hull. Nanotrasen has approved a short break for all employees to relax and observe this very rare event. During this time, starlight will be bright but gentle, shifting between quiet green and blue colors. Any staff who would like to view these lights for themselves may proceed to the area nearest to them with viewing ports to open space. We hope you enjoy the lights.", ++======= + /datum/round_event/aurora_caelus/announce() + priority_announce("[station_name()]: безобидное облако ионов приближается к вашей станции и истощает свою энергию, ударяя по корпусу. Компания Нанотрейзен одобрила небольшой перерыв для всех сотрудников, чтобы они могли расслабиться и понаблюдать за этим очень редким событием. В это время звездный свет будет ярким, но нежным, меняющимся между спокойными зелеными и синими цветами. Любой персонал, желающий увидеть эти огни самостоятельно, может пройти в ближайшую к ним зону со смотровыми иллюминаторами на космос. Мы надеемся, что вам понравится это явление.", ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ++<<<<<<< HEAD + sender_override = "Nanotrasen Meteorology Division") + if (fake) + return ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ sender_override = "Nanotrasen Meteorology Division") ++======= + sender_override = "Отдел метеорологии Нанотрейзен") ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/mob/living/basic/space_fauna/carp/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + name = "false carp" + desc = "A close relative of the space carp which is entirely toothless and feeds by stealing its cousin's leftovers." ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ name = "passive carp" ++ desc = "A timid, sucker-bearing creature that resembles a fish. " ++======= + name = "passive carp" + desc = "На первый взгляд робкая и не опасная рыбина, однако не дайте ей поставить вам засос в неожиданном месте. " ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ++<<<<<<< HEAD + AddComponent(/datum/component/ai_retaliate_advanced, CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(on_attacked))) + AddElement(/datum/element/pet_bonus, "bloops happily!") + ADD_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_PACIFISM, INNATE_TRAIT) + +/// If someone slaps one of the school, scatter +/mob/living/basic/carp/passive/proc/on_attacked(mob/living/attacker) + for(var/mob/living/basic/carp/passive/schoolmate in oview(src, 9)) + schoolmate.ai_controller?.insert_blackboard_key_lazylist(BB_BASIC_MOB_RETALIATE_LIST, attacker) ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ AddElement(/datum/element/ai_retaliate) ++ AddElement(/datum/element/pet_bonus, "bloops happily!") ++======= + AddElement(/datum/element/ai_retaliate) + AddElement(/datum/element/pet_bonus, "радостно булькает!") ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/modular_computers/file_system/programs/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + extended_desc = "Program for viewing and printing the current crew manifest" ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ extended_desc = "Program for viewing and printing the current crew manifest" ++ download_access = list(ACCESS_SECURITY, ACCESS_COMMAND) ++======= + extended_desc = "Программа для просмотра и печати списка членов экипажа." + download_access = list(ACCESS_SECURITY, ACCESS_COMMAND) ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
code/modules/surgery/ ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + target_organ.Insert(target) + if(apparatus) + apparatus.icon_state = initial(apparatus.icon_state) + apparatus.desc = initial(apparatus.desc) + apparatus.cut_overlays() + display_results( + user, + target, + span_notice("You insert [tool] into [target]'s [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)]."), + span_notice("[user] inserts [tool] into [target]'s [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)]!"), + span_notice("[user] inserts something into [target]'s [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)]!"), + ) + display_pain(target, "Your [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)] throbs with pain as your new [] comes to life!") + target_organ.on_surgical_insertion(user, target, target_zone, tool) ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ if(target_organ.Insert(target)) ++ if(apparatus) ++ apparatus.icon_state = initial(apparatus.icon_state) ++ apparatus.desc = initial(apparatus.desc) ++ apparatus.cut_overlays() ++ display_results( ++ user, ++ target, ++ span_notice("You insert [tool] into [target]'s [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)]."), ++ span_notice("[user] inserts [tool] into [target]'s [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)]!"), ++ span_notice("[user] inserts something into [target]'s [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)]!"), ++ ) ++ display_pain(target, "Your [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)] throbs with pain as your new [] comes to life!") ++ target_organ.on_surgical_insertion(user, target, target_zone, tool) ++ else ++ target_organ.forceMove(target.loc) ++======= + if(target_organ.Insert(target)) + if(apparatus) + apparatus.icon_state = initial(apparatus.icon_state) + apparatus.desc = initial(apparatus.desc) + apparatus.cut_overlays() + display_results( + user, + target, + span_notice("Вы установили [] в [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)] у [target]."), + span_notice("[user] установил [] в [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)] у [target]!"), + span_notice("[user] установил что-то в [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)] у [target]!"), + ) + display_pain(target, "Ваша [target.parse_zone_with_bodypart(target_zone)] болит, пока [] приживается к телу!") + target_organ.on_surgical_insertion(user, target, target_zone, tool) + else + target_organ.forceMove(target.loc) ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
strings/antagonist_flavor/traitor_flavor.json ```diff ++<<<<<<< HEAD + "allies": "Members of Waffle Corp. are to be killed on sight; they are not allowed to be on the station while we're around.", + "goal": "We do not approve of mindless killing of innocent workers; \"get in, get done, get out\" is our motto.", + "introduction": "You are the Donk Co. Traitor.", + "roundend_report": "was an employee from Donk Corporation.", ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ "allies": "Members of Waffle Co. are to be killed on sight; they are not allowed to be on the station while we're around.", ++ "goal": "We do not approve of mindless killing of innocent workers; \"get in, get done, get out\" is our motto.", ++ "introduction": "You are the Donk Co. Traitor.", ++ "roundend_report": "was an employee from Donk Corporation.", ++======= + "allies": "Членов Waffle Co. следует уничтожать на месте; им не разрешено находиться на станции, когда мы вокруг.", + "goal": "Мы не одобряем бессмысленного убийства невинных работников; \"зайти, сделать дело, уйти\" - наш девиз.", + "introduction": "Вы предатель из Donk Co.", + "roundend_report": "был сотрудником Donk Corporation.", ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ++<<<<<<< HEAD + "allies": "Members of Donk Co. are to be killed on sight; they are not allowed to be on the station while we're around. Do not trust fellow members of the (but try not to rat them out), as they might have been assigned opposing objectives.", + "goal": "You are not here for a station-wide demonstration. Again, other Waffle Corp. Traitors may be, so watch out. Your job is to only accomplish your objectives.", + "introduction": "You are the Waffle Corp. Traitor.", + "roundend_report": "was an employee from Waffle Corporation.", ++||||||| dce2c0f95b0 ++ "allies": "Members of Donk Co. are to be killed on sight; they are not allowed to be on the station while we're around. Do not trust fellow members of the (but try not to rat them out), as they might have been assigned opposing objectives.", ++ "goal": "You are not here for a station-wide demonstration. Again, other Waffle Co. Traitors may be, so watch out. Your job is to only accomplish your objectives.", ++ "introduction": "You are the Waffle Co. Traitor.", ++ "roundend_report": "was an employee from Waffle Corporation.", ++======= + "allies": "Членов Donc Co. следует уничтожать на месте; им не разрешено находиться на станции, когда мы тут. Не доверяйте своим соратникам из (но попробуйте не выдавать их), так как они могли получить противоположные задачи.", + "goal": "Вы здесь не для большой все-станционной демонстранции. Опять же, другие агенты Waffle Co. могут присуствовать, так что будьте аккуратнее. Ваша задача – достичь своих целей.", + "introduction": "Вы предатель из Waffle Co.", + "roundend_report": "был сотрудником Waffle Corporation.", ++>>>>>>> origin/translate ```
Furrior commented 1 month ago

Валленинг ишуе