ssannandeji / Zenject-2019

Dependency Injection Framework for Unity3D
MIT License
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WhenInjected Into lead to crash under specific circumstances #650

Open FriedrichWessel opened 4 years ago

FriedrichWessel commented 4 years ago


I have a special case : I would like to have a class fully Injected when injected into a service, but just the interfaces in the rest of the world. Basicly like this:

var secretInstance = Container.Instantiate<PrivateModel>(); Container.BindInterfacesTo<PrivateModel>().FromInstance(secretInstance); Container.Bind<PrivateModel>().FromInstance(secretInstance).WhenInjectedInto<SecretService>();

But I would like to get rid of the instance creation inside the ctor.

So I tried: Container.BindInterfacesTo().AsSingle(); Container.Bind().FromResolve().WhenInjectedInto();

But the second line causes a unity editor crash.

Beside that the crash should not happen - any suggestion how to achieve that ?

Thanks for your help !

Full testcode for reference:

using UnityEngine;
using Zenject;

public class FromResolveInstaller : MonoInstaller
    public override void InstallBindings()

        var secretInstance = Container.Instantiate<PrivateModel>();
        // this line crashes unity
        // This cannot resolve the interface afterwards 


public interface PublicInterfaceToModel
    void Open();

public class World : IInitializable

    public World(SecretService secretService, SomeDude dude, SneakyDude sneakyDude)

    public void Initialize()

public class PrivateModel : PublicInterfaceToModel
    public void Secret()
        Debug.Log("Do Secret stuff");

    public void Open()
        Debug.Log("Do Private stuff");

public class SecretService
    public SecretService(PrivateModel model)

public class SneakyDude
    // This should throw an Inject error
    /*public SneakyDude(PrivateModel nope)

public class SomeDude
    public SomeDude(PublicInterfaceToModel model)