ssatguru / BabylonJS-CharacterController

A CharacterController for BabylonJS
Apache License 2.0
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How can I copy an avatar and synchronize remotely? #73

Open warrenchopin opened 1 month ago

warrenchopin commented 1 month ago


Thanks for sharing this amazing library. I am trying to build a web game allowing multi players. In multi player game, an avatar controlled by player should be displayed in all the other peer players' device. I am looking for an easy way to copy an avatar and synchronize remotely.

First question: Is there a way to get (and set) the current animation and the frame number running on the avatar? For example, like this:

animCurrent= ccontroller.getCurrentAnim(); iFrameCurrent= animCurrent.getCurrentFrameNumber(); sendToRemote(, iFrameCurrent) ...(in remote device below from this line).... (idAnim, iFrame)= receiveFromRemoe() ccontroller.setCurrentAnim(idAnim); ccontroller.setFrameNumberAnim(iFrame);

Second question: How can I get and set state of an avatar so that I can simply copy and paste the current state of an avatar? For example, like this:

stateAvatar= avatar.getState(); ...(in remote device below from this line).... avatarRemote.setState(stateAvatar);

Any comment or advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.