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To review tones, pinyins, or casings #12

Closed chinese-words-separator closed 2 years ago

chinese-words-separator commented 2 years ago

List of words that maybe have wrong tones, pinyins, or casings

阿佛洛狄忒    阿佛洛狄忒   A1 fo2 luo4 di2 te4
阿克塞縣     阿克塞县    A1 ke4 sai1_Xian4
阿里地區     阿里地区    A1 li3 de5_Qu1
阿塞拜疆     阿塞拜疆    A1 se4 bai4 jiang1
阿什哈巴德    阿什哈巴德   A1 shi2 ha1 ba1 de2
埃塞俄比亞語   埃塞俄比亚语      Ai1 sai4 e2 bi3 ya4 yu3
艾哈邁德     艾哈迈德    Ai4 ha1 mai4 de2
巴勒莫      巴勒莫     Ba1 lei1 mo4
巴塞隆納     巴塞隆纳    Ba1 se4 long2 na4
巴塞羅那     巴塞罗那    Ba1 se4 luo2 na4
蚌埠市      蚌埠市     Bang4 bu4_Shi4
蚌山區      蚌山区     Bang4 shan1_Qu1
寶興縣      宝兴县     Bao3 xing4_Xian4
寶應縣      宝应县     Bao3 ying1_Xian4
蚌埠   蚌埠      Beng4 bu5
嗶哩嗶哩     哔哩哔哩    Bi4 li1 bi4 li1
必應   必应      Bi4 ying1
波隆那      波隆那     Bo1 long2 na4
波塞冬      波塞冬     Bo1 se4 dong1
勃艮第      勃艮第     Bo2 gen4 di4
博蒙特      博蒙特     Bo2 meng3 te4
博興縣      博兴县     Bo2 xing4_Xian4
布哈拉      布哈拉     Bu4 ha1 la5
布拉索夫     布拉索夫    Bu4 la5 suo3 fu1
布隆伯格     布隆伯格    Bu4 long2 bo2 ge2
曾都區      曾都区     Ceng2 du1_Qu1
長葛   长葛      Chang2 ge2
長葛市      长葛市     Chang2 ge2_Shi4
長寧區      长宁区     Chang2 ning4_Qu1
長興縣      长兴县     Chang2 xing4_Xian4
稱多縣      称多县     Cheng1 duo1_Xian4
城子河區     城子河区    Cheng2 zi3 he2_Qu1
赤道幾內亞    赤道几内亚   Chi4 dao4_Ji3 nei4 ya4
樅陽縣      枞阳县     Cong1 yang2_Xian4
大興區      大兴区     Da4 xing4_Qu1
單縣   单县      Dan1_Xian4
德勒茲      德勒兹     De2 lei1 zi1
德興   德兴      De2 xing4
德興市      德兴市     De2 xing4_Shi4
狄更斯      狄更斯     Di2 geng4 si1
第比利斯     第比利斯    Di4 bi3 li4 si1
定興縣      定兴县     Ding4 xing4_Xian4
東阿縣      东阿县     Dong1 a1_Xian4
東興   东兴      Dong1 xing4
東興區      东兴区     Dong1 xing4_Qu1
東興市      东兴市     Dong1 xing4_Shi4
都柏林      都柏林     Dou1 bo2 lin2
都勻   都匀      Dou1 yun2
都勻市      都匀市     Dou1 yun2_Shi4
都拉斯      都拉斯     Du1 la1 si1
多那太羅     多那太罗    Duo1 na4 tai4 luo2
恩培多克勒    恩培多克勒   En1 pei2 duo1 ke4 le4
繁峙縣      繁峙县     Fan2 zhi4_Xian4
梵高   梵高      Fan4 gao1
伽師縣      伽师县     Ga1 shi1_Xian4
甘井子區     甘井子区    Gan1 jing3 zi3_Qu1
高句麗      高句丽     Gao1 ju4 li4
葛蘭素史克    葛兰素史克   Ge2 lan2 su4 shi3 ke4
個舊   个旧      Ge5 jiu4
貢嘎縣      贡嘎县     Gong4 ga1_Xian4
賈汪區      贾汪区     Gu3 wang1_Qu1
觀塘   观塘      Guan1 tang2
哈迪   哈迪      Ha1 di2
哈巴河      哈巴河     Ha3 ba1_He2
哈巴河縣     哈巴河县    Ha3 ba1 he2_Xian4
海興縣      海兴县     Hai3 xing4_Xian4
河曲縣      河曲县     He2 qu1_Xian4
和散那      和散那     He2 san4 na4
荷屬安的列斯   荷属安的列斯      He2 shu3_An1 di4 lie4 si1
赫魯曉夫     赫鲁晓夫    He4 lu3 xiao3 fu1
赫魯雪夫     赫鲁雪夫    He4 lu3 xue3 fu1
黑塞哥維那    黑塞哥维那   Hei1 se4 ge1 wei2 na4
洪洞縣      洪洞县     Hong2 dong4_Xian4
葫蘆島      葫芦岛     Hu2 lu5 dao3
葫蘆島市     葫芦岛市    Hu2 lu5 dao3_Shi4
華龍區      华龙区     Hua2 long2_Qu1
琿春   珲春      Hui1 chun1
琿春市      珲春市     Hui1 chun1_Shi4
惠更斯      惠更斯     Hui4 geng4 si1
吉勒   吉勒      Ji2 lei1
集寧區      集宁区     Ji2 ning4_Qu1
幾內亞比索    几内亚比索   Ji3 nei4 ya4_Bi3 suo3
濟寧   济宁      Ji4 ning2
濟寧市      济宁市     Ji4 ning2_Shi4
加的夫      加的夫     Jia1 di4 fu1
嘉興   嘉兴      Jia1 xing4
嘉興市      嘉兴市     Jia1 xing4_Shi4
尖沙咀      尖沙咀     Jian1 sha1 ju3
犍為縣      犍为县     Jian1 wei4_Xian4
金山屯區     金山屯区    Jin1 shan1 tun2_Qu1
筠連縣      筠连县     Jun1 lian2_Xian4
浚縣   浚县      Jun4_Xian4
崆峒區      崆峒区     Kong1 dong4_Qu1
喇合   喇合      La1 he2
廊坊   廊坊      Lang2 fang1
廊坊市      廊坊市     Lang2 fang1_Shi4
浪卡子縣     浪卡子县    Lang4 qia3 zi3_Xian4
閬中   阆中      Lang4 zhong1
閬中市      阆中市     Lang4 zhong1_Shi4
蠡縣   蠡县      Li2_Xian4
麗水   丽水      Li4 shui3
麗水   丽水      Li4 shui3
麗水市      丽水市     Li4 shui3_Shi4
梁子湖區     梁子湖区    Liang2 zi3 hu2_Qu1
列別傑夫     列别杰夫    Lie4 bie2 jie2 fu1
六安市      六安市     Liu4 an1_Shi4
六合區      六合区     Liu4 he2_Qu1
六枝特區     六枝特区    Liu4 zhi1 te4_Qu1
龍子湖區     龙子湖区    Long2 zi3 hu2_Qu1
盧塞恩      卢塞恩     Lu2 sai1 en1
碌曲縣      碌曲县     Lu4 qu1_Xian4
羅切斯特     罗切斯特    Luo2 qie4 si1 te4
羅塞塔石碑    罗塞塔石碑   Luo2 sai4 ta3_Shi2 bei1
瑪曲縣      玛曲县     Ma3 qu1_Xian4
麥蓋提縣     麦盖提县    Mai4 gai4 ti2_Xian4
蒙古人      蒙古人     Meng2 gu3 ren2
泌陽縣      泌阳县     Mi4 yang2_Xian4
閔行區      闵行区     Min3 xing2_Qu1
牟平區      牟平区     Mou2 ping2_Qu1
牡丹區      牡丹区     Mu3 dan1_Qu1
牡丹江      牡丹江     Mu3 dan1 jiang1
牡丹江市     牡丹江市    Mu3 dan1 jiang1_Shi4
拿撒勒      拿撒勒     Na2 sa1 le4
那曲   那曲      Na4 qu1
那曲市      那曲市     Na4 qu1_Shi4
南樂縣      南乐县     Nan2 yue4_Xian4
內內   内内      Nei4 nei4
碾子山區     碾子山区    Nian3 zi3 shan1_Qu1
寧江   宁江      Ning4_Jiang1
寧縣   宁县      Ning4_Xian4
寧江區      宁江区     Ning4 jiang1_Qu1
寧津縣      宁津县     Ning4 jin1_Xian4
寧陽縣      宁阳县     Ning4 yang2_Xian4
邳州   邳州      Pei2 zhou1
邳州市      邳州市     Pei2 zhou1_Shi4
棲霞   栖霞      Qi1 xia2
棲霞市      栖霞市     Qi1 xia2_Shi4
鉛山縣      铅山县     Qian1 shan1_Xian4
茄子河區     茄子河区    Qie2 zi3 he2_Qu1
切尼   切尼      Qie4 ni2
曲江   曲江      Qu1_Jiang1
曲江區      曲江区     Qu1 jiang1_Qu1
曲靖   曲靖      Qu1 jing4
曲靖市      曲靖市     Qu1 jing4_Shi4
曲麻萊縣     曲麻莱县    Qu1 ma2 lai2_Xian4
曲水縣      曲水县     Qu1 shui3_Xian4
曲松縣      曲松县     Qu1 song1_Xian4
曲沃縣      曲沃县     Qu1 wo4_Xian4
曲陽縣      曲阳县     Qu1 yang2_Xian4
曲周縣      曲周县     Qu1 zhou1_Xian4
燃燈佛      燃灯佛     Ran2 deng1_Fo5
任達華      任达华     Ren4_Da2 hua2
任縣   任县      Ren4_Xian4
任丘市      任丘市     Ren4 qiu1_Shi4
薩哈羅夫     萨哈罗夫    Sa4 ha1 luo2 fu1
薩默塞特郡    萨默塞特郡   Sa4 mo4 sai4 te4 jun4
塞爾達      塞尔达     Sai1 er3 da2
塞爾特      塞尔特     Sai4 er3 te4
塞繆爾      塞缪尔     Sai4 miao4 er3
塞納河      塞纳河     Sai4 na4 he2
塞瓦斯托波爾   塞瓦斯托波尔      Sai4 wa3 si1 tuo1 bo1 er3
塞萬提斯     塞万提斯    Sai4 wan4 ti2 si1
塞席爾      塞席尔     Sai4 xi2 er3
桑給巴爾     桑给巴尔    Sang1 gei3 ba1 er3
塞爾維亞     塞尔维亚    Se4 er3 wei2 ya4
塞爾維亞語    塞尔维亚语   Se4 er3 wei2 ya4 yu3
塞巴斯蒂安    塞巴斯蒂安   Se4 ba1 si1 di4 an1
色達縣      色达县     Se4 da2_Xian4
沙加緬度     沙加缅度    Sha1 jia1 mian3 du4
廈門市      厦门市     Sha4 men2_Shi4
紹興   绍兴      Shao4 xing4
紹興市      绍兴市     Shao4 xing4_Shi4
聖赫勒拿     圣赫勒拿    Sheng4 he4 le4 na2
石鼓區      石鼓区     Shi2 gu3_Qu1
始興縣      始兴县     Shi3 xing4_Xian4
雙柏縣      双柏县     Shuang1 bo2_Xian4
雙城子      双城子     Shuang1 cheng2 zi3
斯多葛主義    斯多葛主义   Si1 duo1 ge2 zhu3 yi4
瑣羅亞斯德教   琐罗亚斯德教      Suo3 luo2 ya4 si1 de2 jiao1
泰興   泰兴      Tai4 xing4
泰興市      泰兴市     Tai4 xing4_Shi4
天寧區      天宁区     Tian1 ning4_Qu1
帖撒羅尼迦    帖撒罗尼迦   Tie1 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1
帖撒羅尼迦後書      帖撒罗尼迦后书     Tie1 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1_Hou4 shu1
帖撒羅尼迦前書      帖撒罗尼迦前书     Tie1 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1_Qian2 shu1
帖木兒      帖木儿     Tie4 mu4 er2
圖們   图们      Tu2 men5
圖們江      图们江     Tu2 men5_Jiang1
圖們市      图们市     Tu2 men5_Shi4
萬盛區      万盛区     Wan4 cheng2_Qu1
蔚縣   蔚县      Wei4_Xian4
尉犁縣      尉犁县     Wei4 li2_Xian4
溫切斯特     温切斯特    Wen1 qie4 si1 te4
渦陽縣      涡阳县     Wo1 yang2_Xian4
吳興區      吴兴区     Wu2 xing4_Qu1
歙縣   歙县      Xi1_Xian4
西格蒙德     西格蒙德    Xi1 ge2 meng2 de2
西塞山區     西塞山区    Xi1 sai1 shan1_Qu1
西塞羅      西塞罗     Xi1 sai4 luo2
肖恩   肖恩      Xiao4 en1
肖邦   肖邦      Xiao4 bang1
新晃縣      新晃县     Xin1 huang4_Xian4
滎經縣      荥经县     Xing2 jing1_Xian4
興縣   兴县      Xing4_Xian4
興安區      兴安区     Xing4 an1_Qu1
興安縣      兴安县     Xing4 an1_Xian4
興賓區      兴宾区     Xing4 bin1_Qu1
興城   兴城      Xing4 cheng2
興城市      兴城市     Xing4 cheng2_Shi4
興海縣      兴海县     Xing4 hai3_Xian4
興和縣      兴和县     Xing4 he2_Xian4
興化   兴化      Xing4 hua4
興化市      兴化市     Xing4 hua4_Shi4
興寧   兴宁      Xing4 ning2
興寧市      兴宁市     Xing4 ning2_Shi4
興寧區      兴宁区     Xing4 ning4_Qu1
興平   兴平      Xing4 ping2
興平市      兴平市     Xing4 ping2_Shi4
興慶區      兴庆区     Xing4 qing4_Qu1
興仁縣      兴仁县     Xing4 ren2_Xian4
興山區      兴山区     Xing4 shan1_Qu1
興山縣      兴山县     Xing4 shan1_Xian4
興文縣      兴文县     Xing4 wen2_Xian4
興業縣      兴业县     Xing4 ye4_Xian4
興義   兴义      Xing4 yi4
興義市      兴义市     Xing4 yi4_Shi4
西屯區      西屯区     Xi5 tun2_Qu1
盱眙縣      盱眙县     Xu1 chi4_Xian4
亞們   亚们      Ya4 men2
陽曲縣      阳曲县     Yang2 qu1_Xian4
耶穌基督末世聖徒教會   耶稣基督末世圣徒教会      Ye1 su1_Ji1 du1_mo4 shi4_sheng4 tu2_jiao1 hui4
宜興   宜兴      Yi2 xing4
宜興市      宜兴市     Yi2 xing4_Shi4
以斯帖      以斯帖     Yi3 si1 tie1
以斯帖記     以斯帖记    Yi3 si1 tie1 ji4
以太坊      以太坊     Yi3 tai4 fang1
應縣   应县      Ying1_Xian4
應城   应城      Ying1 cheng2
應城市      应城市     Ying1 cheng2_Shi4
邕寧區      邕宁区     Yong1 ning4_Qu1
永寧縣      永宁县     Yong3 ning4_Xian4
永興縣      永兴县     Yong3 xing4_Xian4
垣曲縣      垣曲县     Yuan2 qu1_Xian4
約塔   约塔      Yue1 ta3
樂亭縣      乐亭县     Yue4 ting2_Xian4
鰂魚涌      鲗鱼涌     Ze2 yu2 chong1
扎魯特旗     扎鲁特旗    Zha1 lu3 te4_Qi2
扎囊縣      扎囊县     Zha1 nang2_Xian4
張掖   张掖      Zhang1 ye1
張掖市      张掖市     Zhang1 ye1_Shi4
長子縣      长子县     Zhang3 zi3_Xian4
朝陽市      朝阳市     Zhao1 yang2_Shi4
朝陽縣      朝阳县     Zhao1 yang2_Xian4
召陵區      召陵区     Zhao4 ling2_Qu1
中寧縣      中宁县     Zhong1 ning4_Xian4
舟曲縣      舟曲县     Zhou1 qu1_Xian4
資興   资兴      Zi1 xing4
資興市      资兴市     Zi1 xing4_Shi4
左傳   左传      Zuo3_chuan2
柞水縣      柞水县     Zuo4 shui3_Xian4
班上   班上      ban1 shang5
抱抱   抱抱      bao4 bao5
背鍋   背锅      bei4 guo1
檳榔西施     槟榔西施    bing1 lang2_xi1 shi1
藏身處      藏身处     cang2 shen1 chu3
操你媽      操你妈     cao1 ni3 ma1
產下   产下      chan3 xia5
穿著打扮     穿着打扮    chuan1 zhuo2_da3 ban5
達不到      达不到     da2 bu5 dao4
彈窗   弹窗      dan4 chuang1
當一天和尚撞一天鐘    当一天和尚撞一天钟   dang1_yi1_tian1_he2_shang4_zhuang4_yi1_tian1_zhong1
倒時差      倒时差     dao4_shi2 cha1
到時候      到时候     dao4_shi2 hou5
嘚瑟   嘚瑟      de1 se4
燈籠果      灯笼果     deng1 long5_guo3
等一等      等一等     deng3_yi5_deng3
滴答聲      滴答声     di1 da1 sheng1
的士高      的士高     di1 shi4 gao1
地塞米松     地塞米松    di4 se4 mi3 song1
逗比   逗比      dou4 bi3
放過   放过      fang4 guo5
分拆   分拆      fen1 chai1
分地   分地      fen1 de5
分析人士     分析人士    fen1 xi5_ren2 shi4
風水輪流轉    风水轮流转   feng1 shui3_lun2 liu2_zhuan3
搞不懂      搞不懂     gao3 bu4 dong3
嘅    嘅   ge2
給與   给与      gei3 yu3
狗狗   狗狗      gou3 gou3
哈嘍   哈喽      ha1 lou5
海陸空      海陆空     hai3-lu4-kong1
咁    咁   he4
葫蘆巴      葫芦巴     hu2 lu5 ba1
話說回來     话说回来    hua4 shuo1 hui2 lai2
劃下   划下      hua4 xia5
會不會      会不会     hui4_bu5_hui4
吉他手      吉他手     ji2 ta5_shou3
吉娃娃      吉娃娃     ji2 wa2 wa2
空檔   空档      kong1 dang4
礦難   矿难      kuang4 nan2
嚟    嚟   li2
抹茶   抹茶      ma1 cha2
棉花糖      棉花糖     mian2 hua5_tang2
磨嘰   磨叽      mo4 ji1
難以應付     难以应付    nan2 yi3-ying4 fu5
牛肝菌      牛肝菌     niu2 gan1 jun1
怒懟   怒怼      nu4 dui4
賠上   赔上      pei2 shang5
搶風頭      抢风头     qiang3_feng1 tou5
勸教   劝教      quan4 jiao1
乳糜瀉      乳糜泻     ru3 mei2 xie4
山上   山上      shan1 shang5
上個星期     上个星期    shang4_ge5_xing1 qi1
神父   神父      shen2 fu4
升上   升上      sheng1 shang5
聖膏油      圣膏油     sheng4 gao4 you2
受膏   受膏      shou4 gao4
瞓覺   瞓觉      shui4 jiao4
塌下   塌下      ta1 xia5
踏上   踏上      ta4 shang5
天青石      天青石     tian1 qing1 shi5
童話故事     童话故事    tong2 hua4_gu4 shi5
偷去   偷去      tou1 qu5
吐槽   吐槽      tu3 cao2
褪黑素      褪黑素     tun4 hei1 su4
玩轉   玩转      wan2 zhuan3
晚上好      晚上好     wan3 shang5_hao3
蔓越橘      蔓越橘     wan4 yue4 ju2
蔓越莓      蔓越莓     wan4 yue4 mei2
網上   网上      wang3 shang5
我操   我操      wo3 cao1
喺    喺   xi4
下個星期     下个星期    xia4_ge5_xing1 qi1
下一站      下一站     xia4_yi5_zhan4
咗    咗   xian2
校監   校监      xiao4 jian1
蟹爪蘭      蟹爪兰     xie4 zhao3 lan2
血緣關係     血缘关系    xue4 yuan2_guan1 xi5
曱甴   曱甴      yue1 you2
站起   站起      zhan4 qi5
掌摑   掌掴      zhang3 guo2
正正   正正      zheng4 zheng5
芝麻綠豆     芝麻绿豆    zhi1 ma2 lu:4 dou4
豬扒   猪扒      zhu1 ba1
紫微斗數     紫微斗数    zi3 wei1 dou3 shu3
ssb22 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, that's a lot to look at....

Yes the 佛 in 阿佛洛狄忒 should probably be fú not fó - there's Baidu sources for both but fú seems more common, even though fó is more common in other names that use 佛.

Yes 阿克塞县 has wrong English, should be Aksay county, maybe Ākèsè Xiàn although it's hard to find a good source for sè vs sāi/sài (if in doubt, I tend to think “which one seems to be the closest sounding to the non-Chinese language it's trying to imitate”)

Yes 阿里地区 should be Ālǐ Dìqū and Ngari prefecture.

Maybe: 阿塞拜疆 has another sè vs sāi/sài issue and I guessed sè because -zer- sounds more like sè than sài. It will probably vary with speaker though.

No: I'm pretty sure 阿什哈巴德 Āshíhābādé Ashgabat is correct as-is (什 is never shén in names)

No: I'm pretty sure 埃塞俄比亚语[----亞語] Āisài'ébǐyàyǔ Ethiopic (language) is correct as-is (ABC agrees with the Ethiopia part)

Probably no: 艾哈迈德[--邁-] Àihāmàidé Ahmed - I did wonder if the 哈 should be hǎ instead of hā, but then Harvard is 哈佛 Hāfó and Armageddon is 哈米吉多顿 Hāmǐjíduōdùn and others suggest 哈 is almost always hā rather than hǎ so we'd need a good source to make an exception (i.e. not a source that is likely to have been put together just by a program)

巴勒莫 yes it should probably be Bālèmò although it's a borderline case

No: 巴塞罗那 and 巴塞隆纳 - another sè vs sāi/sài issue - I'm pretty sure it should be sè by similarity with the -ce- in Barcelona

Yes 蚌埠市 and 蚌山区 is beng not bang

宝兴县 xīng vs xìng: several sources published in China say xìng but it's possible that they were automatically generated; let's go for changing it to xīng because of what I say about 大兴区 below.

No: pretty sure 宝应县 is correct as-is, several sources agree yīng not yìng

Yes 蚌埠 should have bù not bu

哔哩哔哩 is a really hard one to get right because it's meant to be the name of a "fun" video site for young people and there are forum threads having fun arguments over its correct pronunciation, and it's hard to see which answers are only joke answers. I couldn't find any official answer from the company, so I went for what looked like the most corporate-friendly non-jokey option. Could be wrong but we need a good source to improve this one.

Yes 必应 should be yìng not yīng because it comes from the phrase 有求必应

Maybe: 波隆那 lōng vs lóng - sources are split - I'm erring on the side of lóng because China publishers tend to go for that and it has nice meaning

波塞冬 - another sè vs sāi/sài issue, very borderline case & speakers will probably differ; I went for sè basically because the tie-breaker was "which one did I usually go for in other names"; we could do with better sources on this one

勃艮第 gèn vs gěn - sources are split, both inside and outside China; I'm not sure there's going to be a "right" answer to this one. (Very tempted to put two entries, one with each version of the pinyin, just to make the point that arguments could be made for either.)

Yes 博蒙特 should use méng because měng is used only if it's to do with Mongolia, not Western names

Maybe yes: 博兴县 xīng vs xìng - sources are split as with 宝兴县 above, but I suggest we err on the side of changing it to xīng due to what happened with 大兴区 below

Yes 布哈拉 and 布拉索夫 should be lā not neutral tone

布隆伯格 lōng vs lóng - not a 100% clear case but I think we can err on the side of changing it to lōng for this one (sources that say lóng don't seem to have been put together very well)

Yes 曾都区 should be Zengdu not Cengdu

No: pretty sure 长葛[長-] Chánggé Changge is correct as-is (it's not going to be zhang for a place name when you look at the meanings, and practically all China sources have chang except if it's obviously an automatic program), similarly for the others beginning 长

长宁区 should probably use níng rather than nìng though (especially looking at the meanings of each)

长兴县 another xīng vs xìng one, best err on the side of xīng because see 大兴区

No: 称多县 correct as-is. Their domain name is so I'm pretty sure that the Western sources saying "chen4" are wrong and it's cheng (likely cheng1)

No: pretty sure 城子河区[---區] Chéngzǐhé Qū is correct as-is (it's not likely to be a neutral zi in a place name)

No: pretty sure 赤道几内亚[--幾內亞] Chìdào Jǐnèiyà is correct as-is for Equatorial Guinea. The "Guinea" part agrees with the ABC.

Yes 枞阳县 should be Zong not Cong

Yes 大兴区 should be xīng not xìng, this is a well-known part of Beijing so I did a quick straw poll on my WeChat Moments and within a couple of minutes (it probably helped that I did this at about 8pm China time) I had 7 Chinese replies saying it should be xīng, one adding that xìng is used only in words describing emotions.

So I'm also changing to xīng in 德兴(市), 定兴县, 东兴(市/区), 海兴县, 嘉兴(市), 绍兴(市), 始兴县, 泰兴(市), 吴兴区, 兴县, 兴安区(/县), 兴宾区, 兴城(市), 兴海县, 兴和县, 兴化(市), 兴宁(市/区), 兴平(市), 兴庆区, 兴仁县, 兴山区(/县), 兴文县, 兴业县, 兴义(市), 宜兴(市), 永兴县, 资兴(市) plus in some entries not mentioned in this ticket like 艾兴格

兴宁区 also had the wrong ning tone. In fact I've just gone through the whole database looking out for any time 宁 is nìng instead of níng and corrected a few (I knew about this already but obviously some slipped through).

Yes 单县 should be Shan not Dan

德勒兹 not sure, OK we can make it le4

狄更斯 is it gèng or gēng (also in 惠更斯 and 马更些, although we currently have Gēng in 更新乡) - looking at China sources I'd say change to gēng for these 3

No: pretty sure 第比利斯 Dìbǐlìsī Tbilisi is correct as-is

Yes 东阿县 is -e not -a

Yes 都柏林 and 都匀(市) are Dū not Dōu

No: pretty sure 都拉斯 Dūlāsī Durrës is correct as-is

No: pretty sure 多那太罗[---羅] Duōnàtàiluó Donatello is correct as-is

No: 恩培多克勒 we have ambiguities kè/kēi and lè/lēi, I'm guessing based on normal 'names' use here, pretty sure lēi would be wrong

Yes 繁峙县 uses shi not zhi (ignore tripadvisor, they auto-generate stuff)

Probably no: 梵高 (van Gogh) should there be a space in the pinyin: I'm not sure; we're not using a space in other "van" names. Van is a Dutch surname prefix (not a first name), and surname prefixes are not usually spaced separately in Pinyin so I'm leaving this as-is for now.

Yes 伽师县 is J not G

No: pretty sure 甘井子区[---區] Gānjǐngzǐ Qū is correct as-is

Yes 高句丽 should probably be gou not ju (by similarity with the Korean)

葛兰素史克 GlaxoSmithKline how to hyphenate, not sure, the 葛兰 part is plausibly Glaxo but where exactly does the Smith end and the Kline start? The merger between Glaxo and SmithKline was of course more recent than the 19th-century partnership between John K Smith and Mahlon Kline, so Gélán-Sùshǐkè is plausible, but that's not how they're capitalising things in the English so... what to do?... leaving not hyphenated for now.

Yes 个旧 shouldn't have a neutral tone

Yes 贡嘎县 has wrong tone and missing r in English

Yes 贾汪区 is jia not gu

Yes 观塘 should use Guàn not Guān

No: 哈迪 Hādí - pretty sure it's correct for the same reason as 艾哈迈德 above

Yes 哈巴河(县) should be using Hā not Hǎ

No: pretty sure 河曲县[--縣] Héqū Xiàn is correct as-is because "river bend county" is more likely than "river tune county" (which is what it would be if it were qǔ, yes I expect there are pieces of music with titles like "song of the river" but I doubt there are counties named after them). A quick search shows websites in China are using qū, but Western websites are using qǔ, probably derived from CEDICT which I think made a mistake here so I'm sticking to qū.

和散那 sàn vs sǎn not sure, not many good China sources, let's go for changing to sǎn

No: pretty sure 荷属安的列斯[-屬----] Héshǔ Āndìlièsī is correct as-is (it's not going to be "de" in a name like that)

No: pretty sure 赫鲁晓夫[-魯曉-] Hèlǔxiǎofū and 赫鲁雪夫[-魯--] Hèlǔxuěfū for Khrushchev are correct: it shouldn't be a neutral fu in a name (if CEDICT says it is then CEDICT is probably wrong)

Probably no: 黑塞哥维那 has a sè vs sài ambiguity, I'm going for sè by similarity with the Western name it's trying to imitate

Yes 洪洞县 has tong not dong

Yes 葫芦岛(市) shouldn't have a neutral tone

No: pretty sure 华龙区[華龍區] Huálóng Qū is correct as-is

Yes 珲春(市) is Hun not Hui (the English was correct but the pinyin wasn't)

Yes 吉勒 should probably be le rather than lei

Pretty sure 几内亚比索 is OK although we could hyphenate it instead of using 2 words

No: pretty sure 加的夫 Jiādìfū Cardiff is correct as-is (it's not going to be de5 or neutral fu in a place name)

Yes 尖沙咀 should use zui not ju by similarity with the Cantonese it's imitating

Yes 犍为县 is Qianwei not Jianwei

No: pretty sure 金山屯区[---區] Jīnshāntún Qū is correct as-is. A few sources have "zhun" but I'm not sure how reliable they are, and the meaning of "tun" seems more likely for a place name.

No: pretty sure 筠连县[-連縣] Jūnlián Xiàn is correct as-is, and "Yunlian" is a mistake. Their website is and the jlx part of that has got to stand for Jun Lian Xian, if it were Yunlian it would be ylx.

Yes 浚县 should be Xun not Jun

Yes 崆峒区 should use tong not dong

No: 喇合 Lāhé for Rahab is correct, I have paper pinyin Bibles on my bookcase from 2 publishers to back that up

No: pretty sure 廊坊(市) Lángfāng is correct as-is

Yes 浪卡子县 needs fixing (pinyin and English)

Yes 阆中(市) has wrong tone, should be 2nd

Yes 蠡县 has wrong tone, should be 3rd

Yes 丽水(市) (both cities) should be 2nd tone

Probably no: I'm pretty sure 梁子湖区[---區] Liángzǐhú Qū is correct and a neutral "zi" wouldn't be used in a place name; China websites seem to agree

No: 列别杰夫 is correct as-is: listen to the human-read audio of this page (press the Play button at the top), it's at time 3:34 and I assume that native reader knows what he's doing. Yes it's not impossible he made a mistake, but given that he's not only a native but also had a studio production team behind him, I'd want to see some good evidence it was wrong. A small number of sites say the bié should be biè but it's not clear they're reliable, so until convinced otherwise I'm sticking with bié.

Yes, 六安市 and 六合区 should be lu not liu (and probably 六枝特区 as well)

No: 龙子湖区[龍--區] Lóngzǐhú pretty sure it's correct as-is and shouldn't use neutral zi

No: 卢塞恩 normally I'd err on the side of sè for 塞 but then I thought sè'ēn would be harder to say than sāi'ēn so I predicted most speakers would gravitate towards the sāi version, or possibly sài, but it turns out China websites prefer sāi so I'm sticking with that.

No: I'm pretty sure 碌曲县[--縣] Lùqū Xiàn is correct as-is (and again it's more likely to be curve than tune)

No: I'm pretty sure 罗切斯特[羅---] Luóqièsītè Rochester is correct as-is. 切 tends to be qiè in names, not qiē.

No: I'm pretty sure 罗塞塔石碑[羅----] Luósàitǎ Shíbēi Rosetta Stone is correct as-is

Yes 玛曲县 really does have China evidence to back up the unlikely qǔ reading of 曲, it means horse-tune county (well I suppose river-bend makes more sense than river-tune, but horse-tune makes more sense than horse-bend)

No: China websites prefer "gai" to "ge" in 麦盖提县, Western websites that say "ge" seem to be duplicating a typo

Yes, 蒙古人 should start with 3rd tone not 2nd, because it's in the Mongolia context rather than the Western-names context. (It'll sound exactly the same due to sandhi, but we might as well get it right.)

Yes 泌阳县 is Bi not Mi

Yes 闵行区 has hang not xing

Yes 牟平区 is mu not mou

No: I'm pretty sure 牡丹区[--區] Mǔdān Qū is correct and they wouldn't use a neutral "dan" here (if CEDICT says so then it's mistaken). Similarly with 牡丹江(市)

No: 拿撒勒 Násālè for Nazareth is correct, this one is Pinyin Bible confirmed

No: 那曲(市) is correct (checked China sources)

Yes, 南乐县 uses le not yue (pleasure of the south rather than music of the south)

I'm pretty sure 内内[內內] Nèinèi is correct for the name Nene, but there does happen to be another colloquial word nèinei with the same characters so perhaps that needs to be added as a separate entry.

No: I'm pretty sure 碾子山区[---區] Niǎnzǐshān Qū is correct as-is (zi thing again)

Yes 邳州(市) should start with Pi not Pei

No: I'm pretty sure 栖霞[棲-] Qīxiá is correct (and the -市 version)

Yes, various counties called 铅山县 are all Y- not J-

No: I'm pretty sure 茄子河区[---區] Qiézǐhé Qū is correct as-is (zi thing)

No: I'm pretty sure 切尼 Qièní Cherny is correct as-is. 切 tends to be qiè in names, not qiē.

Probably no: 曲江(区) - sources are split, I'm going for Qū because "bendy river" sounds more likely than "melodic river"

No: 曲靖 Qūjìng looks correct, China sources agree it's Qū (some Western sources have Qǔ but I assume they're mistaken if China sites don't agree)

(Problem is once a typo gets into a source like CEDICT a lot of Western sites start copying it without question, so you have to look a bit harder to find in-China sites that weren't affected by that if you want to check)

No: 曲麻莱县[--萊縣] Qūmálái Xiàn is correct (China sources again)

No: 曲水县 is correct (China sources again, plus OpenStreetMap gets this one right, but CEDICT is wrong)

Other 3 曲 ones similar

Yes 燃灯佛 is missing a tone

No: I'm pretty sure 任达华[-達華] Rèn Dáhuá is correct as-is

No: I'm pretty sure 任县[-縣] Rèn Xiàn Ren County is correct as-is (some Western websites seem to have forgotten to capitalise the Xiàn, that's their typo not mine😊)

No: I'm pretty sure 任丘市 Rènqiū Shì is correct as-is

No: 萨哈罗夫 is correct as-is, hā not hǎ

No, I am not sure that 萨默塞特郡 (and 萨默塞特) should be adjusted in accordance with neighbouring 多塞特 i.e. sètè instead of sàitè, because "Somerset" is pronounced ˈsʌməˌsɛt whereas Dorset is pronounced ˈdɔːsɪt, note the -ˌɛt vs -ɪt ending, and I'm guessing -sètè is closer to -ɪt whereas -sàitè is closer to -ˌɛt. Of course whether a Chinese speaker would do this might depend on whether they'd heard the place named in English first. (Disclosure I grew up in Dorset)

塞- words - likely to be Sài- (mostly correct as-is) because 塞缪尔, except the Serbia-related ones which are more likely Sè-. I'll fix 塞尔达 to be in line with this though.

Yes 桑给巴尔 should use ji not gei

No: 色达县 is correct as-is by China sources (but the English is wrong)

No: I'm pretty sure 沙加缅度[--緬-] Shājiāmiǎndù is correct as-is

Yes 厦门市 should use Xia not Sha

No: 圣赫勒拿[聖---] Shènghèlèná is correct, audio on this page (52 seconds in), same reasoning as above (native reader + studio = need better evidence than crowd-sourced Western data to say they're wrong)

Yes 石鼓区 is Dangu not Shigu

Yes 双柏县 uses bai not bo (it's a Chinese place name, it's not using the normal rules for transliterated Western names, it really is pair of cypresses)

No: I'm pretty sure 双城子 is correct as-is, wouldn't be neutral zi

No: I'm pretty sure 斯多葛主义[----義] Sīduōgézhǔyì is correct as-is, compare 马克思主义 Mǎkèsīzhǔyì, the "zhǔyì" part is not spaced

Yes 琐罗亚斯德教 should probably end with 4th tone like other -教 words

No: 帖撒罗尼迦[--羅--] Tiēsāluóníjiā is correct, this one has been Pinyin Bible confirmed (although I have heard some native speakers read the 帖 as Tiě but it doesn't seem to be the "standard" way to do it), similarly for -前书 and -后书

Yes 帖木儿 should probably start with Tiē

Yes 图们(江/市) shouldn't have a neutral tone

Yes 万盛区 should use sheng not cheng

Yes 蔚县 is Yu County not Wei County, similar for 尉犁县

No: I'm pretty sure that 温切斯特[溫---] Wēnqièsītè is correct as-is

Yes 涡阳县 is Guoyang not Woyang county

Yes 歙县 is She not Xi

No: I'm pretty sure 西格蒙德 Xīgéméngdé is correct as-is

Yes 西塞山区 should have sài not sāi

No: 西塞罗[--羅] Xīsàiluó is correct as-is (pinyin confirmed with a publication)

Probably no: 肖恩 - Xiào vs Xiāo - sources are split - I'm inclined to go for Xiào because Xiāo is a Chinese surname rather than a transliteration of a Western name; 肖邦 similar

Yes 新晃县 should use huǎng not huàng

Yes 荥经县 should use a Y not an X

Yes 西屯区 shouldn't have a neutral tone

Yes 盱眙县 should use yi not chi

No: 亚们[亞們] Yàmén is correct as-is, Pinyin Bible confirmed

Yes 阳曲县 uses qǔ not qū

Yes 耶稣基督末世圣徒教会 probably needs capitalising (and 4th tone jiao)

No: 以斯帖 and 以斯帖记 are correct as-is, Pinyin Bible confirmed

Probably no: 以太坊 not sure, sources are split fáng vs fāng, more China sources have fāng so leaving at that for now

Yes 应县 and 应城(市) should be 4th tone not 1st tone

No: 垣曲县 sources are split qǔ vs qū but more China sites have qū so I'm leaving it at that for now (qǔ could have been a typo that got copied to a bunch of Western sites)

No: I'm pretty sure 约塔[約-] Yuētǎ is correct as-is by similarity with "Iota"

Yes 乐亭县 needs fixing

Yes 鲗鱼涌 uses Zéi not Zé

No: 扎鲁特旗 and 扎囊县: sources are split Zhā vs Zā, borderline case but I think leaving it at Zhā wins

Yes: 张掖(市) should have yè not yē

No: 长子县[長-縣] Zhǎngzǐ Xiàn is correct as-is

Yes 朝阳市/县 Chāo not Zháo

Yes 召陵区 is Sh not Zh

Yes 舟曲县 qǔ not qū

Yes 左传 uses zhuàn not chuán

Yes 柞水县 is Zha not Zuo

No: I'm pretty sure 班上 bānshang is correct as-is

No: I'm pretty sure 抱抱 bàobao is correct as-is

Yes 背锅 should use bēi not bèi

No: I'm pretty sure 槟榔西施[檳---] bīngláng xīshī is correct as-is (and both its constituent words agree with ABC entries)

No: 藏身处[--處] cángshēnchǔ is correct as-is (Pinyin Bible confirmed)

Yes 操你妈 sadly does start with cào not cāo

No: 产下[產-] chǎnxia is correct as-is (Pinyin Bible confirmed)

No: I'm pretty sure 穿着打扮[-著--] chuānzhuó dǎban is correct as-is (and both its constituent words agree with ABC entries)

No: I'm pretty sure 达不到[達--] dábudào is correct as-is (compare 看不见 kànbujiàn etc)

Yes 弹窗 tán makes a bit more sense than dàn (although I did wonder if dàn tied in with the 'unwanted' connotation a bit)

No: I'm pretty sure 当一天和尚撞一天钟[當-------鐘] dāng yī tiān hé shàng zhuàng yī tiān zhōng is correct as-is (China sources agree)

yes: 倒时差 is dǎo not dào

No: I'm pretty sure 到时候[-時-] dào shíhou is correct as-is

No: I'm pretty sure 嘚瑟 dēsè is correct as-is

No: I'm pretty sure 灯笼果[燈籠-] dēnglong guǒ is correct as-is (and ABC agrees with the 灯笼 part)

No: I'm pretty sure 等一等 děng yi děng is correct as-is, compare 看一看 kàn yi kàn (which I've confirmed in a Pinyin publication)

No: 滴答声[--聲] dīdāshēng is correct as-is, audio here (7 seconds in). It's onomatopoeia so native speakers are more likely to read the tones the same.

No: I'm pretty sure 的士高 dīshìgāo is correct as-is (it won't be "de" in this context)

No: I'm pretty sure 地塞米松 dìsèmǐsōng dexamethasone is correct as-is (sai unlikely from -xa-)

No: I'm pretty sure 逗比 dòubǐ is correct as-is (比=bī is never the case in any other word as far as I can tell, so probably a typo)

No: 放过 fàngguo is correct as-is

No: 分拆 fēnchāi is correct as-is

Yes 分地 should be dì not de

No: I'm pretty sure 分析人士 fēnxi rénshì is correct as-is

Yes: 风水轮流转 should have a neutral shui

Yes: 搞不懂 should have neutral bu

No: 嘅 gé is correct, by similarity with the Cantonese

No: I think 给与[給與] gěiyǔ is correct. (给予 on the other hand could be either jǐyǔ or gěiyǔ, although it seems that jǐyǔ is slightly more archaic.)

No: I'm pretty sure 狗狗 gǒugǒu is correct as-is, although "gǒugou" is a plausible alternative

Yes 哈喽 shouldn't end with a neutral tone

No: I'm pretty sure 海陆空[-陸-] hǎi-lù-kōng (sea, land and air) is correct as-is

Yes 咁 needs fixing (although it's tricky figuring out the correct Mandarin for a word that's only ever used in Cantonese)

Yes 葫芦巴 shouldn't have the neutral sound normally present in 葫芦

No 话说回来[話說-來] huàshuōhuílái is correct as-is, confirmed in a Pinyin magazine

No 划下[劃-] huàxia is correct as-is, confirmed in a Pinyin Bible

No 会不会[會-會] huì bu huì is correct, confirmed in a Pinyin book

No I'm pretty sure 吉他手 jíta shǒu is correct as-is, although jítashǒu is plausible

Yes 吉娃娃 should probably end with a neutral tone

No: I'm pretty sure 空档[-檔] kōngdàng is correct as-is

Yes 矿难 should end 4th tone not 2nd tone

No I'm pretty sure 嚟 lí is correct, no idea what else it could possibly be

Yes 抹茶 uses mǒ rather than mā despite its English name (which probably came from a non-Mandarin topolect)

No I'm pretty sure 棉花糖 miánhua táng is correct as-is

No I'm pretty sure 磨叽[-嘰] mòjī is correct as-is, compare 磨磨唧唧 mòmòjījī

No 难以应付[難-應-] nányǐ-yìngfu (hard to deal/cope with) is correct when used as an adjective, confirmed in Pinyin Bible

Yes 牛肝菌 should end with 4th tone

No I'm pretty sure 怒怼[-懟] nùduì is correct as-is, not sure what else it could be

No 赔上[賠-] péishang is correct as-is, confirmed in Pinyin Bible

No I'm pretty sure 抢风头[搶風頭] qiǎng fēngtou (steal the limelight) is correct as-is, and ABC agrees with the 2 constituent words

No 劝教[勸-] quànjiāo is correct as-is, confirmed in a Pinyin book

Yes 乳糜泻 should use mi not mei

No 山上 shānshang is correct as-is, confirmed in Pinyin Bible

No I'm pretty sure 上个星期[-個--] shàng ge xīngqī is correct as-is

No 神父 shénfù is correct as-is, confirmed in a Pinyin magazine, although shénfu is also valid, but I'm not sure that this word should have been in CedPane at all (seeing as it's in pretty much all normal dictionaries including the ABC), it seems I added this entry just to keep track of the fact that I'd seen it as shénfù instead of shénfu, but I set its "include in CedPane" flag in error (I generally don't include words that are in the ABC unless it's a completely different sense of the word)

No 升上 shēngshang is correct as-is, confirmed in Pinyin Bible

No 圣膏油[聖--] shènggàoyóu is correct as-is

No 受膏 shòugào is correct as-is, confirmed in Pinyin Bible

No I'm pretty sure 瞓觉[-覺] shuìjiào is correct as-is by similarity with 睡觉

No 塌下 tāxia is correct as-is, confirmed in Pinyin Bible

No 踏上 tàshang is correct as-is, confirmed in Pinyin Bible

No I'm pretty sure 天青石 tiānqīngshi is correct as-is because the ABC has 天青=tiānqīng and 青石=qīngshi

No I'm pretty sure 童话故事[-話--] tónghuà gùshi is correct as-is, and it agrees with the ABC in its constituent words

No 偷去 tōuqu is correct as-is, confirmed in Pinyin Bible

吐槽 unclear, sources split tǔ vs tù, perhaps either is OK, perhaps I should add a second entry to show this

Yes 褪黑素 uses tuì not tùn

No I'm pretty sure 玩转[-轉] wánzhuǎn is correct as-is, China sources agree

No I'm pretty sure 晚上好 wǎnshang hǎo is correct as-is (ABC has 晚上=wǎnshang)

Yes 蔓越橘 and 蔓越莓 should use man not wan

No 网上[網-] wǎngshang is correct as-is, confirmed in a Pinyin magazine

Yes unfortunately 我操 has cào

No I'm pretty sure 喺 xì is correct as-is, it's the nearest sound to 在 zài (but again this isn't well-defined because this word is used only in Cantonese and not in Mandarin, so the Mandarin pronunciation is a bit of a placeholder)

No I'm pretty sure 下个星期[-個--] xià ge xīngqī is correct as-is

No I'm pretty sure 下一站 xià yi zhàn is correct as-is

Yes 咗 might be better off with its Mandarin placeholder set to zuǒ (closer to the Cantonese it's being a placeholder for)

Yes 校监 should use jiàn not jiān

No I'm pretty sure 蟹爪兰[--蘭] xièzhǎolán is correct as-is, not sure what else it could be

No I'm pretty sure 血缘关系[-緣關係] xuèyuán guānxi is OK as-is, although xiě is usually an acceptable alternative reading of xuè (perhaps I should add another entry?)

Yes 曱甴 (a Cantonese-only word) could do with a better Mandarin placeholder, probably yuēzhá

No 站起 zhànqi is correct as-is, Pinyin Bible confirmed

No 掌掴[-摑] zhǎngguó is correct as-is, Pinyin Bible confirmed

No I'm pretty sure 正正 zhèngzheng is correct as-is

Yes 芝麻绿豆 should have a neutral ma (c.f. ABC entries 芝麻 and 绿豆; it should probably be hyphenated)

Yes 猪扒 should probably use pa not ba although sources are borderline

Yes 紫微斗数 should probably end on 4th tone.

Once I've sorted out the above, you should be able to use CedPane with higher priority than whatever source you compared it with to generate this list (I'm guessing some version of CEDICT).